Fresh Start

*Destinee's POV*

It was my first week in San Diego, I finally got all my stuff unpacked and I moved into my tiny little apartment which was so close to a main road I hardly got any sleep at night. I only had one friend I knew in San Diego and that was Annabelle. She was amazing; she was always there for me and got me through a lot. After we became best friends she moved to San Diego a year before I planned to. We planned on staying best friends through the distance; thank god because once I got to San Diego I was more lost than a kid in a new school. I didn’t know where I was going or who was here, besides Annie. I found out, after we were friends for a while that she was cousins with the one and only Vic Fuentes (and Mike, but Vic was my favourite) from Pierce the Veil. I was glad I found that out after we became best friends, I hated people thinking I was using her but what meant the most is that she knew that I wasn’t, I was a true friend unlike all her other fake ass bitches who left her at the first “no, Vic will not follow you on twitter because I ask him to,” They seemed to get very angry at the fact she wouldn’t help them get recognized by him, me on the other hand, I was just happy to have a true friend.
I woke up early on Sunday morning to go have lunch with Annie, I’d missed her so much and this was the first time I’d be getting to see her since she left. I’d been down, ever since Danny passed. He meant the world to me, he wasn’t just my boyfriend but he was my best friend. We did everything together, when he was diagnosed with cancer six months ago a little part of me died inside. I watched him slowly die as I just stayed by his side the whole time until he passed, it ruined me inside, I’d lost the one I loved the most. That’s when I started cutting again, my old scars had started to fade but it was my only outlet, it was my sweet release. Annie knew about my cutting, she knew about my depression, she knew about everything. She helped as best as she could but, she couldn’t stop what I did to myself, no one could. It was the thing that stopped me from losing everything, even though I’d already lost my, everything. Annie finally got to the little café we were meeting at, she was always late so I didn’t expect much else from her. She sat down and sighed, “What’s wrong?” I asked her, “Nothing I’m just worried about you Destinee,” she explained, I looked down and before I could say another word she perked up “but,” she said with a smile, that’s when I started to worry, “I have a huge surprise for you, it’s been a long time coming and it’s been hell knowing I could do this for you but you’ve been so far away, having you stuck in New Zealand was annoying Nee,” She said in a chirpy voice, I had no idea what she was planning and that scared me, Annie could get very wild and out of control with her ‘plans’, “oh no, what is it!?” I questioned, with a worried look upon my face, she giggled, “Calm down Nee, meet me at the Imperial Beach just down the road tomorrow at 12, okay? Don’t be late,” she said with her faced splashed with a smile, and her blue eyes glistening with excitement, “You’re telling me not to be late? Geez, that’s a lot coming from you Annie,” I smirked, she gave me a disapproving look before changing the subject. We finished our coffee and went and did some one on one shopping, it was an amazing day and I wished it didn’t have to end but sadly it did, but tomorrow kept playing on my mind, and it wasn’t too far away, whatever this little surprise was, I was excited, I was ready for myself to be happy. I was ready to finally have some fun.

The next day I woke up around four in the morning, I had a nightmare, which lead me to wake up sweating and letting out a little scream, I couldn’t get back to sleep so I just hoped in the shower and started to get ready for the day. It was 11:30 when I left my apartment to go meet Annie, the drive there felt like the world’s longest drive, I don’t know why, I think it was due to lack of sleep, either way I knew I needed more sleep. I finally got to Imperial Beach, where I parked my little Jeep and got out. I saw Annie in the distance, smiling and waving, but she wasn’t alone and I could just make out a man with medium, long dark brown hair, with an amazing body waving back at me. As I got closer I thought to myself, ‘no, it can’t be, she didn’t, no.’ She ran up and gave me a huge hug but all I could look at was the man standing in front of me. Vic Fuentes, the man himself, when Annie let go of me he walked up and gave me a short hug, “so you must be Destinee, Annie’s told me heaps about you, she forgot to mention you were so pretty though,” He exclaimed, flashing me a cute little smile, I giggled and could feel myself blush, “Oh god, kill me now,” Annie said sarcastically, Vic looked at her and rolled his eyes smiling, “GUYS! IT’S AN AMAZING DAY LET’S GET IN THE WATER!” She screamed, she was right, we got into the water and it was amazing the sun beaming down on us and the water cooling us off, Vic splashed me and ran away through the water, “VIIIIIC!” I screamed playfully, he giggled, looked back at me and smiled, “come get me back,” he winked, I rolled my eyes and started going for him, I splashed him and he splashed me back, this went on for a while until a wave came past, pushing Vic closer towards me, when the wave passed he was right in front of me, looking down at me with his beautiful eyes and he just cracked a smile, I looked up at him with amazement, I couldn’t believe this was happening, Vic was so close to me and I felt so safe, he grabbed me by the hips and picked me up, putting my legs around his waist, our faces were at the same level and he leaned into kiss me, he kissed me so softly and it was the most amazing kiss I had ever had, ‘SPLASH’ all of a sudden I got a cool rush of water all over my body, Vic stopped kissing me and whipped his head over to see Annie standing there with a big grin on her face, she laughed and started to walk away, brushing her hand in the water, I jumped off Vic and as I started to walk away to get Annie back, he grabbed my arm and pulled me back, spinning me around then hugging me, burying my head into his chest, I hugged him back tightly and we just stayed there until once again Annie came and interrupted, “guys lets go back to mine, it’s getting late,” she said, we agreed to break up our love fest for a while so we could get out of the water, but that didn’t last long, as I walked along side Annie, Vic came and picked me up and held me in his arms across his body, like he was walking me through a threshold, I let out a little squeal, he scared me a little bit but it didn’t stop me from putting my arms around him and holding him while he carried me out of the water. I drove to Annie’s house in my Jeep alone, Annie said she wanted to have a few words with her cousin before we got back to the house. It gave me a chance to get my head around what had just happened to me. Was this all real, was this just a dream, was it really Vic, or was it someone else who I was picturing in my mind to be Vic? I was so confused but at the same time, I was so happy, for once Annie’s plan worked out. I finally arrived back at the house just a bit after Vic and Annie and Annie had started to cook some food but before she continued she told me to sit down in front of her. “Destinee, I’m worried about you and I want you to stop what you are doing, so I’m going to ask you to move in so I can help you more with what’s going on,” she explained, my jaw hit the ground and my eyes began to fill with tears, she came and gave me a hug, “so, how bout it?” she asked, I just nodded and hugged her tighter, someone who cared so much to do that for me, made me so emotional. I was happy to finally be so close to my best friend again.
I’d decided to stay the night at Annie’s and Vic had been drinking so he couldn’t drive home, Annie had told him about me being upset so he slept with me, nothing happened, he just laid there with me and held me in his arms until I drifted slowly off to sleep. I woke up to yet another nightmare, this one more detailed then the last, I was anxious, I didn’t know what to do, so without waking Vic up I walked into the bathroom and broke a razor, extracting the blade out of it, I put the blade up to my skin and sliced across, watching the blood flow down my arm made me feel so free, but the next thing I knew, Vic walked in, I must of woken him up when I was breaking the razor, he saw the blood moving down my arm in shock, I put my arm behind my back and was ready to run past him, when I saw his eyes fill with tears, his facial expression changed from surprised to confusion and sadness. All I wanted to do was run away, but I was frozen where I was. He grabbed one of the small face towels on the bathroom bench and wet it slightly, he gestured for my arm and I had just enough strength to put it up and give it to him, he held it so slightly in his hand and with the other he cleaned me up. There was a bandage in the cupboard in the bathroom so he grabbed that after my cuts had dried from him cleaning them. He kissed the cuts on my skin and continued to cover them up with the bandage, he stood up and grabbed me tightly, whispering in my ear, “I never want you to do that again,” his voice cracking from him holding back his tears, “I’m here, I will help you, never do that to yourself again, promise me,” He continued to whisper, not caring about his tears anymore he let them run down his face freely, I sighed and started to cry myself, “I promise Vic,” I whispered back to him, I felt so disappointed in myself for hurting him so bad, he held me tighter and Annie came up to the room to find us hugging, she looked at my arm and mouthed, ‘are you okay?’ I nodded and she walked away, giving me and Vic our time. I knew, that every time after that, when I felt like hurting myself, all I had to think of, was Vic’s disappointed face looking at me with tears in his eyes and the promise I made him and it would remind me that people do care, and I need to stop. He helped me through so many things, and I was so glad I had him in my life, to call my own, to fall asleep next to and to stay with forever.
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To my dear friend Destinee <3 x I love you xx