The Worst of Them

I Let You Get To Me


"Stupid piece of shit!!!" I yelled, slamming my fists down on the steering wheel of my lifeless car.

"Why this morning, of all mornings, you have to be dead." I turned the key again, hoping that this time the engine would turn over. It didn't- just like the last twenty times I tried. The car had been acting up for ages now and I had ignored it, always saying I'd have it checked out later. I never did, and now my procrastination had finally come back to bite me in the ass.

For a moment I thought about calling Kayla, but quickly dropped the idea. She left early this morning to retrieve a few photo albums before going to the hospital to be with Andy, and I don't want to pull her away from him. Ever since Andy got hurt she's been a mess and there was nothing I could do about it. I hate to see anyone I care about upset and if this made her happy, there was no way I could take that away.

I pulled my phone out, quickly going through the contacts to find someone who could pick me up and bring me to work. Most of my contacts were in Alabama and of no use to me out here, and the remaining contacts I knew wouldn't be able to get here in time.

I stopped scrolling, staring at the highlighted contact name.

Ashley Purdy

With a sigh I hit dial, hoping he was awake. His place was only about ten minutes from here, give or take, and besides Andy and Kayla he was the closest friend to me.


Did I really consider Ashley a friend, or was he just an acquaintance? Was he just a friend of my friend's boyfriend or are we, as individuals, friends too? Sure, he was a pain in the ass most of the time, always making sexual comments at any given time, and was just plain annoying. But he had good points too, right? Like how he was with Mikayla; he treated her like a sister and never made a sexual comment about her. Well...almost never, but those usually involved Andy and teasing him.

"Hello?" The groggy and unique voice that couldn't be mistaken for anyone but Ashley, answered.

I pressed the speaker button, balancing the phone on the steering wheel. "Hey Ash."

"Hey, London. What's up?" He sounded more awake now.

"I know it's really early and I hate to ask you...But do you think you could come pick me up and take me to work? My car has gone to the big junk yard in the sky and I need to be at work in," I checked the time, "twenty-six minutes."

I could hear shuffling in the background, it sounded like he was getting out of bed. "Sure. Give me a few minutes and I'll be there."

I sighed with relief. "Thank you so much, Ashley. I have a huge client coming in, so you're saving my ass. Thank you, thank you, thank you! "

"It's no problem, really. No more thanking me, okay?"

I smiled as I gathered my belongs, "Alright."

"Oh, and London?"

"Yeah, Ash?"

"You know you can always call me when you need help, right? That's what friends are for."

My heart sped up and heat rose to my cheeks. Why am I blushing?!

"I know. Bye, Ashley."

"See you soon, London."

Yeah, I think I can consider Ashley a friend.


I regret ever calling that man my friend. He is an annoying little tick. He just attaches himself without you knowing it, sucks away your blood (in this case energy), and then never wants to go away!

" How come every time you come around, My London London Bridge want to go down? Like London London London, wanna go down,Like London London London be going down like! Ashley sang the chorus loudly, for the tenth time, as he spun around in the chair next to me. It was funny the first time he sang it, now it was just plain annoying.

"If you keep it up, Andy won't be the only Bride in the hospital." I hissed at him, careful to keep my voice down. "Why don't you just go home? I only asked for a ride, not company for the whole day."

Ashley did another full turn in the chair before stopping it. He swayed slightly, a sign that he was dizzy. "Because you promised to cut my hair, and I'm not leaving until you do. Not my fault you've been busy."

"I told you I'd call you when I had time to do it."

He grabbed his water bottle from the surface of my station and took a long drink. "But then I'd have to come all the way back here."

I pulled my scissors from the sanitizer and dried them. "Get over to the sink so we can get this done, please."

"Yes ma'am." Ashley smirked before walking over to the washing section.

Once he was had a cape was secured around him and was leaned back I began rinsing his hair. Once it was well saturated I began shampooing. Ashley's eyes closed as I worked my fingers though his dark hair. I began massaging his scalp, watching the bubbles and suds gather. Ashley was practically purring by the time I done rinsing his hair.

I had him seated at my station before began working on his hair. He only wanted a trim, so just taking off the old dry ends. I combed through his hair, working in the leave in conditioner I just put in.

I just began snipping when Ashley started singing again, "How come everyti-".

"If you finish that I will cut all your hair off and you can match Justin Timberlake."

He immediately went silent.

He was quiet for several minutes as I cut his hair. He had such nice hair, which was surprising considering the torture he put it through on a daily basis. With all the heat damage alone I expected it to be as dry and stringy as Andy's was before he cut it all off.

"Why do you keep singing Fergie?" I asked him, trying to distract myself from the feel of his soft hair sliding through my fingers.

Ashley met my eyes in the mirror, "Because your name is London, and I like singing about you."

I felt the heat rush to my cheeks again, tinging them a light pink color as the corners of my mouth lifted. "That's actually sweet, Ash."

Ashley smiled and I knew he was watching my face. "But it's mainly because I'd like for your bridge to go down."

I tugged a section of his hair, "UGH! You're such a pervert!"


"You know, I never pictured you for the type to listen to rap/rock." Ashley was driving us through traffic on our way to the hospital, where I would ride with Mikayla to dinner, my iPod playing Almost Kings' Lose Control through the car stereo.

I looked up from my phone, "Are you saying you don't like it? Cause if so I may have to cut you from my life completely."

From the smile on his face I could tell he understood that I was just joking. "Well, in that case I love it." I shoved his arm, causing him to laugh. "No really, I like it."

"Good. I wouldn't want to have to cut you out of my life. It would be way too boring."

Ashley reached over and messed up my hair, "Glad to see where I stand." He rolled his eyes, a smirk still playing on his face as I swatted his hand away.

"You're being annoying again."

"You like it."

I hate to admit it, but I kinda do.

I zoned him out, listening to the next Almost Kings' song I Got her as I replied to a text from my mom.

Hook line sinker, got her turn like a blinker
Have her bouncing out her clothes
While I'm jumping out the speaker
Keep it kicking like a sneaker
And she knows I wanna freak her
Baby girl I don't know your name
But I'd really like to meet ya, oh
Let's go on a full speed grind
Keep your two cents
My baby girl's a dime
Fine, mine, and so divine
She got her mouth open while I'm blowing her mind
Got her showing her shine, with her lip gloss on
Melting in my hands while I rip this song
Flip that on, don't get me wrong
Ima hit that shit like all night long

I looked up when we pulled into the hospital parking lot and Ashley was staring at me. "What?"

"I definitely like this song." His eyes raked my body, hunger obvious in his eyes.

I opened the door, sliding out in one swift moment, retrieving my iPod as I went. "Of course you would. Later, Ash. Thanks for the ride."

"Hopefully I can give the same thanks to you one day."

"In your dreams, Purdy." I waved before shutting the door and stepping away to allow him to pull out of the space.

Once he was out of the parking lot I started to make my way to the entrance of the building. I hadn't even made it to the cement platform off of the asphalt of the road before Mikayla came out the door. Her face was lit up with the first carefree smile I've seen from her in awhile.

"Hey girl, what's got you so happy?"

She directed her smile at me this time, linking her arm with mine. "I'll tell you about it during dinner. I'm starving!"
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter Title Credit: Thought Criminal by The Used

So, how do you like the chapter in London's point of view?? She and Ashley will be a huge part of this story!

Anyone have any guesses as to why Kayla was so happy??? We'll find out next chapter, so you don't have to wait too long!

Here is my newest eye-shadow creation!
