Status: It's a work (slowly) in progress...


Chapter 13

Gerard’s POV

I woke up Monday morning with the same feeling of anticipation that I have had ever since we started this letter project. Frank’s letters hadn’t only changed my thoughts on soul mates but on school and life in general as well. Reading his words in the morning made my whole day better, I would often think of things he had said and smile like a lunatic.

I’d spent the whole weekend with Mikey; playing video games, I drew while he practised his bass and he asked more questions about Frank. We also went to visit our grandma, Elena, which was as eventful as ever! After about ten minutes of us being there she asked the same question she does every time:
“Have you found your match yet Gerard?”
To which I would normally reply that I hadn’t but this time before I even have time to open my mouth, Mikey began relaying the story to her. I swear to god, that boy is not normal. Anyway, they then spent the next few hours discussing the topic without even asking my opinion. It’s not like it’s my love life or anything, those two are like gossiping teenage girls when they get going.

I wondered how Frank’s weekend was, I hope he had fun doing whatever he got up two. I was fairly sure that the boy in A&E on Friday was him, I made a mental note to ask him about it.

I got up on time because I really didn’t want a repeat of the water incident. When Mikey and I got to school there was a large group of students outside the entrance, seemingly crowding around something or someone.
“It looks like there’s a fight going on over there, come on Gee lets go check it out.” Mikey said eagerly, I made a face but followed him anyway. I hate fighting, I’ve never seen the point of it but whatever. As we got closer, I realised that Mikey was right and that the fight was between Oli and Ronnie. Oh god, they are both going to get in a shit load of trouble for this, not that I give two fucks about Oli but Ronnie had been told that if he got into any fights then he’d be expelled straight away.

Soon after we got to the scene, several teachers arrived and pulled the two of them apart. Let’s just say, Oli looked a lot worse for wear than Ronnie did which I’m sure didn’t help the latter’s case at all.
They both got dragged off to the principal’s office, I’d assume. The crowd started to leave as people began walking to their first lessons.

“That’s going to end in to disaster.” I said to Mikey as we began walking into the building. When we got in there, we said goodbye and went our separate ways.

I got to English just as the bell went and luckily the letters had already been handed out. I sat down and began to read the letter I’d spent all weekend craving.

‘Dear Gerard,
I don’t know what I’d do if I lost you either, I feel the exact same thing. Also, it’s cute that you stole my words.

Bowie is awesome. Enough said.

I’d love to write a song with you, even if we haven’t heard each other’s work, I’m sure whatever we will come up with will be good.

Random Fact 3: I want to be covered in tattoos. I’m getting my first one done on my 18th, I’m getting a pumpkin on my back with the words ‘Keep The Faith’ above it.
It really does suck about your needle phobia, it would kill me! I would hate not to have my lip and nose pierced, even if I can’t wear them at school because of the fucking rules.

I honestly don’t know what to say to that. Not in a bad way, don’t worry, I’ve just never had that kind of effect on someone. I’ve always been a side feature, something irrelevant to the main story of someone’s life and now you’re telling me that I managed to change your mind on something you clearly felt strongly about with just a few letters. It’s incredibly unbelievable. I just don’t know what to say. I’m glad that I did change your mind though, it would be kind of awkward if you hated my guts for something we have no control over.

You didn’t scare me off, don’t worry. It takes a lot to scare me. Unless you’re a spider, which I really fucking hope you’re not. I might have to run away screaming, if you are.

Did I really just write that? What the fuck is wrong with me?!

Moving swiftly on, in case I make an even bigger fool of myself…

You’re the first person to call me Frankie in years but I liked it. If you can call me Frankie, can I call you Gee?

You’re not going to read this until Monday morning, so I hope you had a good weekend. Tell me all about it in your letter, if you want to that is.

Talk to you next week,
Frank. ‘

When I stopped reading, I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. He doesn’t think it’s weird that I told him that he changed my mind. He seems like he doubts that he’s special enough to have someone care about him. That’s something I need to change, even though we haven’t met, he is
incredibly special to me and I’m determined to make him see that.

I began writing my reply as soon as I’d made the promise to myself that I’d show Frank just how amazing he is.

I finished writing just before the bell went.

---------- Time Lapse----------

Ronnie wasn’t in any classes today. In fact I didn’t see him until lunch time, when I passed his locker which he seemed to be cleaning out.

“Hey, what happened earlier?” I asked as I approached him.
“Before or after the fight?” He asked without looking out of his locker.
“Uhh, both?” I stated but it sounded more like a question than an answer.
“Well, that dickhead started talking shit about me and I wasn’t just going to stand there and take it so I punched him and it escalated from there. His parents agreed not to press charges if I was expelled and now here we are, I have an hour to get off the school grounds or it counts as trespassing.” He said with such a monotone voice, like he was bored of the story already.
“Where will you go now?” I asked.
“We’re moving to LA. My dad said he’s been looking for an excuse to move from NJ for years and now he has one.”
“Wow.” Was all I could say.
“Yeah, well I’m done now so I guess I’ll see you around sometime?” Ronnie said as he closed the metal door.
“Yeah, if you ever visit, let me know.” I said and then we did one of those weird bro hugs.
“I will.” He said. And with that he was gone.

I shook my head and I went to find Mikey to tell him my latest Frank news.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know you probably all hate me for taking so long. I have sort of an excuse this time, I actually finished writing this chapter early last week but forgot to email it to myself so that I could upload it on my laptop at my mothers. I'm stupid, I know!

Anyway, a massive thank you to all of you who helped me with the whole Ronnie thing! I've decided to use Zacky Vengeance from Avenged Sevenfold :) All the suggestion were great, but I feel like Zacky is the best option. I really should have picked him in the first place... that would have been less stressful!

Let me know what you think of the chapter!

Thank you to WrithenLust, HarleyHomicide, Forgotten Memory., CatThatOinks, Gee's Coffee, psychomunkyluvr, EvilPandah, Rev. Micki Plague and MsCorrupter for commenting <3

Also checkout GeraldTheAlmight's A7X story A Place of Hope and No Pain and Pheonix_The's Frerard story Names Hands and Faces (Yes, she did ask permission to use the 'hands' idea)

Gee x