Daughter of Kellin Quinn

The Reinvite

*Copeland’s POV*

Reaching for a small sweater, I pulled the curtains shut and off to the hospital Jaime, my dad, and I went. We checked on Tony and Mike to see if the hospital called them and they did. They were already zooming their way past the cars and we were about to do the same.

We pulled in, in room 231, and just like how I told Miss Shepard, she was still holding his hand. Vic was wide awake now. She quickly let go when I gave her the signal.

The first thing I did was run up to him and pounce on his bed. “Vic!” I screamed out of joy. I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. “I’m so glad you’re ok! I was so worried! You have no clue, oh my god!”

He gripped my body tighter and held me close. He softly kissed my cheek and ran his fingers through my hair. He didn’t say a single word to me.

My dad walked up to us. “You alright, man?” Vic took a quick look at him and nodded.

Everyone left the room to give him some space. But not me. I requested to stay with him.

I laid in his bed and positioned my head on his chest. “What’s wrong, Vic? You’re not talking now?”

He scanned my face. “I honestly thought I wasn’t going to make it,” he spoke softly. “I would lose everything. My amazing family, my comforting friends, and my wonderful fans. They pretty much all come first in my life.”

“Thank god you’re still here. I don’t know what I would do.”

He stroked my cheek. “You know that nice lady said you begged her to never let go of my hand when you had to leave? Why were you being forceful?”

“Well,” I thought for a second, “I though if I let go of you, someone would have to take my place.”

“Why?” he smiled.

“I envision it like this; if there’s no one there for you when you truly need them the most, and you’re not there, then they might give up. Or in your case, if I release your hand, you might let go in your sleep. You know, like…die.”

“Really? That’s touching, Copeland.”

I beamed with delight and reached for his neck, wrapping my arms around him once more. I whispered in his ear, “Don’t go anywhere. You are so not going anywhere.” A tear rolled down my cheek. “God can’t take you now. Now yet. You still have so much to see. Please don’t go anywhere.”

He locked eyes with me. “I’m not going anywhere, I promise.”


Later in the night around 10 pm, we were on the doctor’s asses 24/7 asking them when they will let Vic go home. I’m sure he didn’t wanna stay here. They said he will have to wait and see because they still need to run some tests to make sure they can set him free.

I was sitting in the hospital’s café with Tony, Mike, and Jaime. My dad was walking around with a doctor because he was bored and didn’t feel like sitting with us.

“I’m so happy that he’s going to be ok,” Mike happily spoke out, taking a huge gulp of his water.

“Me too,” Tony and I said in unison and then giggling at each from saying the same thing.

“Do you guys think we’ll be down to practice when Vic is feeling better?” Jaime questioned.

“Yeah, totally,” Tony agreed. “He still needs rest and recovery. But yes definitely.”


It was now Friday and Vic was back at home where he belonged.

I was still suspended though. I didn’t mind. School is annoying as fuck anyways. I’d rather be at home but there’s literally nothing to do here.

I sat on the couch with my dad and Jesse watching TV. Yes, I said Jesse. Ugh, like I said before, this nigga, or should I say, this ginger, is always freaking here! One time, when we were all asleep, I came down stairs to grab a magazine from the mini cabinet and I found him sleeping like a dog on the floor.

I got up and headed to my room. I sprawled my body on the bed and took a deep breath. I heard my phone go off. Hmmm, that’s not a number I have in my contacts. I picked up.


“Hey there, it’s Query.”

“Bryan? How did you get this number?”

He laughed through the phone. “I have my ways.”

“Seriously though…”

“Your friend Alli gave it to me. You weren’t in school, again, so I asked for it. I wanted to know if you’re still coming to my party later?”

Oh shit! The party! How could I have forgotten about it? “Oh uhhh, hold on, lemme ask…” I ran down stairs in search of my dad. He was no where in sight. I checked the bathroom, the living room, and the kitchen and he wasn’t there. Nor did I see Jesse. What. The. Hell.

Wait, I found them! Outside puffing on a cig. “Hey dad?”


I tensed up. “Can…I go to a party later?” I closed my eyes tightly.

“Party? Are there going to be boys there?”

Yes. “No, it’s only for girls. There’s this really cool girl at school and she’s like only senior girls are invited and I was one of the girls she chose,” I lied.

“Interesting,” he said itching the back of his head.

“So can I go?” I beamed.

“What time does it start?”

I am so not saying 9 pm. He’s not letting me go if I give him that time. “I think it’s 7 pm.”

“Ok, sure. Have fun. Don’t come home too late,” he said taking another hit of his cigarette. “Thanks, dad. You’re a wonderful person, you know that?”

He shot me a questioning glare before I strolled my way back in the house. I ran up to my room and snatched my phone from my bed. “Bryan, you there?”


“I can go! But I gotta tell you something first.”


“I told my dad that it’s an all-girl party and that it starts at 7. So he’s dropping me off at that time. Sorry about that. Is that ok if I come early?”

“Yeah, that’s great! We can have more time to settle in and talk. Plus, you can help me set up everything. Hope you don’t mind.”

“No, I don’t mind.”

“Alright so you got any questions before I get started with the decorating?”

“Wait, your decorating? I thought it was just going to be like... a party?”

“It is, but it’s only for juniors and seniors. There’s going to be signs around the block and shit. And inside, the house will have like a big poster and, oh you’ll see when you come over.”

“Ok, so you told me to bring a bikini right?”

“Yeah, we have a pool and the water is amazing. You’ll love it. Anything thing else?

“Yeah a couple things actually,” I began. “Are there going to be like, drinks or something? And how long will the party go to? Like what time? And how many people did you invite?”

“Yeah, my home boy is bringing the drinks around 10 and the party will go until 2 I think. The people that are coming? I guestimate around…100.”

“That’s a lot,” I breathed out.

“Not really. I always have more people that roll in with me. But school is just getting started and not many people want to go or their parents won’t let them.”

“Oh ok. I don’t think I’ll be able to swim. Sorry about that. I can't come home with wet hair.”

“It’s ok, no problem.”

“Well it’s only 1 pm right now and I still have some things to do so I’ll see you in a bit.”

“Alight, bye cutie.”

My heart stopped and tingles went down my back when he called me cutie. No one has ever called me that before. I’ve been called beautiful and other amazing things. I know that beautiful is the best of all but something about him calling me cutie sets me off.

I can’t wait to see what Bryan Query has in store for later. This party is going to be the bomb. I can already feel it.
♠ ♠ ♠
*sooooo, i'm thinking next chapter will be up late tomorrow or Thursday:D

***ik my last 3 chapters (this one included) haven't been much of Tony in it but it's coming so calm your tits...and dicks. i doubt there r many boy readers reading this story.

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