

I was feeling good today. I don’t know if it was because I was still alive and I saw my life flash before my eyes or if it was because I had finally kissed Ariel. The details didn’t matter though. I was just glad that I was feeling this way. I felt like nothing could possibly ruin my mood today.

When I got out of my car, I noticed Noah waiting for me, so I greeted him with the usual guy handshake. Noah was talking about some girl he met at some coffee shop, but I wasn’t paying much attention and didn’t really care either because he never really stays with a girl for longer than a week.

As we walked through the front doors of our school, we immediately went to find Ariel. I was dying to kiss her again especially since she left in such a hurry yesterday and I didn’t get to enjoy the moment as much as I wanted to. When we reached her locker she looked at us, slammed her locker close, and then ran off in a hurry once again.

I was confused and I looked at Noah who had pretty much the same facial expression as I did. I then looked behind me checking if something or someone intimidating was behind me, but no one was there. “What the hell did you do to her yesterday?” Noah asked.

“I kissed her?” I questioned because I don’t think that’s why she ran away. It probably had to do with the whole me almost dying thing, but I didn’t want to bring that up to Noah.

“You must be one really bad kisser.” Noah said with a little snicker.

“No something else happened yesterday that would make her act this way.” I didn’t want to bring it up at all, but I also didn’t want a reputation as a horrible kisser because then I would be single for the rest of my life.

“You slept with her didn’t you? You sly dog.” Noah said with his hand up for me to high-five.

“No you retard.” I smacked his hand down and decided to try to find Ariel to straighten things out.

As I began my hunt for her the bell rang and I had no choice, but to go to class. Until lunch, all I could think about was Ariel and now I realize she ruined the wonderful mood I was in. Why are girls always so dramatic?

At lunch, I finally got to see her, but when she saw me she bolted. I of course chased after her this time, but she went to the one place I unfortunately cannot enter, the girl’s bathroom. I decided to wait there all lunch ignoring my growling stomach, but she didn’t come out until the bell rang and she ran right pass me, so I could not even say a word.

I felt like she was acting like a child and playing games with me. I was kind of annoyed for the rest of the day. I was debating whether to leave her alone and let her come to me or pressure her into talking to me. I was going to go with the first choice, but we all know that would have not worked, so I was now leaning against the back of her car, waiting for her.

“Why are you ignoring me?” I asked as she walked over. She tried to walk right pass me again, but I grabbed her arm. “Please, tell me.” I gave her my famous puppy dog face. Okay it’s not famous, but it works the rare times I use it, although I’ve only used it on my mom.

“Because he’s back.” She paused and I wasn’t sure if I should ask who he was or if I should wait for her to continue. “And when he is around the people I love or are close with tend to die.”

“Who is he?” I asked and she took a deep breath.

“As long as you stay away from me, you won’t ever have to find out.”

Her eyes were watery and when she blinked, a tear fell down her face. I wiped it away and then kissed her. For a second it seemed like all of this nonsense was going to be over with, but then she pushed me away.

“I’m sorry, but for now this has to be goodbye.” She got in her car and drove off.

I stood there for a couple more minutes still trying to process what happened. I knew now that I had to figure out who the hell this he is and tell him to leave her alone. She may hate me for digging into her past, but I am doing for her and not for myself.