What Do You Do When Your Crush Is A Vampire?

Sleepover Mania (Chapter 2)

The rest of music and the rest of the day passed in a blur. I hardly paid any attention to what was going on around me, but couldn't help but notice when Drake already had a girl hanging on his arm by lunch. The irony, the girl was my old friend. The one from when I was 'pretty'. Her name was Ashley. She had unnaturally blond hair, and liked to wear miniskirts. She had grey eyes, and was tan. I mean tan. Like, swimsuit model tan. Her signature were her red staccato heels, which she always wore. She was leaning on Drake in the halls, and by lunch she was already pressing against him like he was hers and hers alone.
It was funny actually. She was like a vulture, having swooped in and found the dead carcass that was Drake; glaring at anyone who came near since she was obviously unwilling to share her catch. I couldn't help but snicker when they passed my locker before school ended, and she gave me a dirty look. I almost felt bad for Drake, because I knew how this would turn out. Like the vulture, she would rip the meat from the bones. Then the vulture would leave the empty bones and search for more helpless victims. Ashley would strip him of everything he had until he was putty in her hand, then she would drop him for some other poor, helpless sap.
I couldn't stop the dark chuckle that escaped from my lips. Drake was as good as bones.
I met Megan outside the school after my last class. I had already called my mom on my cell, and I didn't need to stop by my house. I always kept spare clothes at Megan's house for spur of the moment things like this. She had spoken with her mom also, and I had permission.
As we walked to her house, Megan filled me in on some interesting news.
"My parent's are going to be gone until tomorrow, but they trust us at my house alone until tomorrow morning," Megan informed me. Then a sly look crossed her face. "They really like you. Too bad they won't be here to see this."
I stopped on the sidewalk and wrung my hands. "Those fools! Do they know nothing of our caffeine induced hyperactivity?!" I faked an evil laugh. "Now we are free to stay up all night and rule the realm of Megan's house!" More evil laughter.
Megan just about fell over she was laughing so hard. I laughed with her. That was how we were found by Jacob and Drake; laughing extremely hard and clutching our sides.
"You're blocking the sidewalk," Jacob said in a snobbish voice. "And I thought rats walked in sewers, not on sidewalks."
"You would know, you're the only rat around here," I managed to say through my laughter. When we had finally managed to calm ourselves, I took notice of Drake. "Look Megan! Jacob brought Carcass Boy!" I took a step closer and made a show of examining Drake. "Look, he even has some meat left on him!"
Megan had heard my Ashley the Vulture theory before, so she understood what I was talking about. She started uncontrollable laughter again, and this time dropped her bag in the process.
"Carcass boy?" Drake muttered. He didn't understand, that much was clear. He didn't seem to appreciate being laughed at, though. That was apparent when an angry look spread across his face. "You're so tough, using a joke I can't comprehend because I don't know the inside joke."
"That's why it's funny!" I said through laughter. "There'd be no point to it if you understood!" Drake glared.
I suddenly stopped laughing, a realization striking me. "Shouldn't you be on the bus?"
Drake was caught off guard by my change in tone, and that I had stopped teasing.
"I'm staying at Jacob's," was all he could manage.
I nodded. "That makes sense."
An awkward silence spread in the atmosphere. We stared at each other, and couldn't seem to say anything that would lift this sudden change.
"So, what are you doing?" Drake finally asked.
I raised an eyebrow. "Why does that matter?"
"I told you what I was doing, only fair."
I nodded, his logic made sense. "I'm staying at Megan's." I nodded in her direction.
Drake nodded. Then it seemed everyone realized that we were worst enemies, and here we were talking like old pals.
"See ya, jack ass," I said to Jacob.
I turned and pulled Megan away, not wanting to hear an insult from Jacob that would make me stop and fight with him more. I had no time for that.
We reached Megan's house quickly. No cars were there, apparently her parents were already gone. Megan used her house key to get inside. Her house is one story, and she is an only child like me. It's brick with metal shutters, and a big red door. There was a living room when you first entered, where the television sat on your left. On your right was an armchair in the corner, and a coffee table sat in the middle of the floor. Across from you was a large couch, and next to it was a big bookcase that had movies on it's shelves instead of books. The walls were dark green, and the floor was an off white carpet. We got our sleeping bags from the closet in Megan's room and spread them on the floor, the coffee table pushed aside. In the top right-hand corner of the room is an arch that leads into the kitchen.
A few hours later, Megan was in the kitchen, making coffee. Chocolate coffee! The ultimate treat for chocolate lovers! I sat on the couch, waiting for the pizza we ordered to arrive. We were playing 'would you rather...', our favorite pass-time game. You play by giving two situations, and you have to pick between the two. Like, would you rather jump into the Grand Canyon, or jump off the Empire State Building?
"Okay, would you rather die by drowning, or die by being burnt to death in a fire?" I called to Megan in the kitchen.
She thought before answering. "Drowning, less painful."
I nodded, then realized she couldn't see it and said, "I agree with you there."
"Okay, my turn. Would you rather-"
The doorbell rang.
"Wait, Megan! Let me get the door," I called.
I opened the door to discover not only the pizza guy, but Jacob and Drake were with him. They wore the same thing as earlier, but their hair was messed up a bit. My jaw dropped.
"What are you doing here?!" I asked, exasperated.
Jacob grinned. "We were visiting my buddy Al here at the pizza joint, and he told us he was making a delivery here. So, we decided to come along."
I looked over the pizza man who must be Al. He did look young, probably eighteen or nineteen. He was wearing a bright red uniform, and he needed to trim his beard. Weren't there health regulations about that stuff? I didn't know, and I could care less at the moment. All I knew and cared about was that this guy brought my worst enemy to my only sanctuary. I glared at Al.
"So, Al," I said, trying to keep my voice polite, "how do you know Jacob?"
"Friend of the family," Jacob answered for him.
I handed Al a ten and took the pizza. I told him to keep the change, and made to slam the door in their face. Jacob blocked the door with his foot, and forced it back open. He walked in, but Drake waited in the doorway. He gave me a look that said, 'May I?'. I sighed, and told him to come in. He entered, with a polite nod in my direction. I slammed the door and wheeled on them.
"What do you want?" I snarled.
This time Drake spoke up. "We were bored, decided to get pizza. Found out you were ordering pizza, decided to come over here since we had nothing better to do." He said it like he was talking to a little kid.
I glared at him. "What if you're not welcome?"
"Then we'll leave." Drake sat on the couch. "But at least give us a chance. If we become a problem, you can kick us out."
"The kicking out part is a tempting offer."
Drake rolled his eyes. "Oh, please. Just give us a chance. We'll even join in to your games or whatever. Like I said, we're bored."
I narrowed my eyes. "Fine."
Drake smiled. "Good."
I turned to Jacob. "Sit next to Drake."
Jacob sat obediently. I set the pizza on the coffee table.
"Megan!" I called. "We've got company!"
"Who?" Megan called back.
"You'll never guess! Jacob's desperate enough to hang out with us!"
I could almost feel the shock emanating from the kitchen. "What?!"
"That's right! We made a deal. They cause trouble, and we kick them out. Guess who's with him?"
"Carcass Boy?"
I laughed. "Correct!"
Megan came out of the kitchen, two mugs of steaming hot, chocolate coffee in her hands. She handed me one, then sat on the floor on the opposite side of the room from them. I sat next to her.
"Let's continue our game, Megan," I said, sipping my coffee.
"What were you playing?" Drake asked. "Can we join in?"
I rolled my eyes. "I guess." I quickly explained the rules to him, then turned to Megan. "It's your turn."
"Okay." She seemed to think for a minute. "Would you rather kiss Orlando Bloom, or Johnny Depp when they're in their costumes for Pirates 3?"
"Mmm, Orlando," I sipped my coffee. "Definitely Orlando."
"I thought you were a Captain Jack Sparrow kind of girl?"
"Nope, I'm one-hundred percent Will Turner." I grinned. "Besides, Johnny's dreadlocks would get in the way."
I ignored her question, and turned to the boys on the couch. "Well? What's your answers?"
They both stared at me, open mouthed.
"You expect us to answer that?" Drake said.
I nodded. "You wanted to join in the game."
"We are not answering that."
I rolled my eyes. "Fine. You don't have to answer those kinds of questions."
We played that for a little while, but didn't get many answers that were very interesting. Except for when I asked about whether or not they preferred seeing their reflections in a mirror or water. (I was running out of ideas!) That's when Drake said neither. Everyone else said a mirror, and that's what I expected. Why didn't Drake like to see his reflection? I decided not to ask him about it.
By the time we were finished, all that remained of the pizza was a few crumbs. That's when we kicked out Drake and Jacob, it was getting late and the rest of our sleepover rituals should not be seen by the human eye. Drake laughed when I said that, and there was an odd undercurrent to it. The second they were gone, Megan and I dressed into our pajamas. We drank down pot after pot of coffee while playing board games, until we were sure there was no chance of us falling asleep. That's when we pulled out the chocolate bars and flashlights. We took an old blanket and did our secret sleepover ritual in the backyard in the dark, lying beneath the stars and eating chocolate as we sang.
Megan was the only person I allowed to hear me sing. She was the only person I would sing willingly in front of. So when we looked up at the stars eating chocolate and I sang 'Are You Sleeping', it was a very important event to us. We treasured these moments, knowing they would be with us forever.
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I like this one too! hee hee, dreadlocks.....