Sequel: Waking Up in Vegas

Northern Downpour


As they returned to the party, each going their own separate ways and, well, it was tough. It was a small house and Haley and Kevin just seemed to bump in to each other everywhere. It wasn't that Haley didn't want to see Kevin, it just felt awkward. Less so than before, but still, awkward. Haley stayed close to Shaun who introduced her to people, other riders, industry insiders. They were just friends she insisted and everyone laughed. Did Shaun really not have any girl friends or was it that unbelievable that someone wouldn't be clamoring all over "Shaun White"?

Eventually, the party wound down and Haley said goodbye to Shaun. She returned to the rental only to find her brother waiting up for her. Haley couldn't believe her older sibling would be awake at this hour, but, then again, he was family. "How was the party?"

Haley shrugged, "It was okay." She said. The truth was, she just wanted to go to bed.
"Just okay? You're hanging out with people who are 'Just okay.'?" Steven asked, "Come on, sit." He said, patting the spot on the couch next to him, waiting for Haley to sit.

Haley felt a bit guilty. She hadn't had much time to spend with her family since they had arrived in to town. Between work and trying to spend time with friends and see events, it had been a challenge. One, that she felt like she had failed. "I know, I haven't hardly seen you guys at all."

Steven shrugged, "Haley, you told us you'd be busy. It's not a surprise. We're glad you invited us to come."

Haley gave a little nod, "Yeah, I'm glad you guys are here too."

Steven nodded, "Speaking of guys, I saw you at pipe practice the other day while dad and I were skiing." Steven said, "You were talking to a bunch of guys every time we went up the lift."

Haley's cheeks burned deep red, "Yeah..." she let her voice trail off, a little embarrassed.

"I wanna know what's going on. I mean, I know you have friends here but you seemed really stressed out like something has been on your mind." Steven pointed out. "We've all noticed it, and, I'm..." Haley's older sibling paused, "I'm wondering if he's here."

The truth of the matter was that when she needed someone the most, she turned to her brother Steven. It wasn't that she didn't trust her parents, but she knew if she had at least someone to have her back, she'd be okay. Steven had fully supported her decision, and not because he was her brother, but because he didn't want to see his little sister go through anything alone. Haley had told him everything about Kevin.

Haley avoided looking at her brother for several minutes, "Yes... He is." she replied quietly, "But he knows now."

Steven looked a little shocked, "So you told him."


"And how'd he take it?"

Haley didn't know whether to love or hate Kevin for being so supportive, "He was really great about it. Very understanding." She almost wished that he had hated her, pushed her away, and called her every name in the book he could think of. It would have made everything easier. Instead, he wasn't. Kevin had been disappointed but understanding and, well, it wasn't something that Haley had been totally prepared for.

"That's..." Steven paused, "Good, I suppose." though Haley had a sense that the older James sibling was concerned, "Just be careful. I know you stopped having friends involved in this lifestyle a long time ago Hales." The older lectured as he got up to go to bed. "Don't make the same mistake twice."

It was with those last words, Steven left Haley to sit and reflect on the words he'd said. Haley knew that sometimes her brother wasn't the best at putting his feelings into words but, at the time, "Don't make the same mistake twice." echoed in her ears plain as day.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit: Miss Missing You by Fall Out Boy

Sorry it's been so long between updates. I've been busy with work and sick right now to boot (I hope I get better soon). I'm already working on the sequel to this, coming up with Ideas and things.