Status: New

Man's Best Friend

Man's Best Friend

Days after their first day meeting Ashlie and Brenda, Ren and Stimpy didn't talk to them much. Until Ashlie's birthday party, when they were invited over.
"Oh, no way I'm going back to that NUTJOB'S house!" Ren said, after Stimpy read the invitation out to him.
"But RE-ENNNNN!" Stimpy whined.
"Fine! If you really want to go that bad, you go by your SELF!" Ren yelled.
"JOY!" Stimpy exclaimed, floating away.
Hours later, when Stimpy had picked up a present for Ashlie and was ready, he walked over to their house.
He knocked on the door and rang the doorbell.
Brenda opened the door,and let Stimpy in. "Just put the present on the table. Thanks so much for cooming!"
"No problem! Where's the birthday girl?" Stimpy asked.
"In the living room, mate." She pointed towards the living room, where Ashlie was dancing to some rock music with a few other cats and dogs.
"Happy birthday, Ashlie!" Stimpy exclaimed, his tongue sticking out.
"Who the heck are you?" Ashlie asked, poking at her open left eye.
"I-I'm Stimpy, we met the other day!"
She rubbed her chin and hit her head with a hammer as she thought, saying, "Hmmm, name doesn't ring a bell."
"Yeah Ash, the only thing ringing is your ears," Brenda said, rolling her eyes.
"Daaaah..." She proved her point my looking up as her ears rang.
An hour later, the party was in full swing. Everyone(meaning Ashlie and her filthy cat friends) was eating the cake Ashlie had requested–anchovies, and tuna.
Suddenly the music stopped and everyone looked towards the door, where Ren stood with his hands in his pockets.
"Ah, stop staring, idiots!" Ren yelled.
The music started up again and Ren walked over to Ashlie, and threw a small catnip mouse at her. "Happy birthday, idiot."
Ashlie screamed a manly excited scream, and hugged the mouse.
"Ren! I thought you weren't coming!" Stimpy yelled excitedly.
"Yeah, yeah, calm down," Ren said, rolling his eyes.
As the party continued, Ashlie opened the rest of her gifts– mostly catnip and Gritty Kitty Litter.
And since a piñata was specifically requested (as she stated in a letter to Brenda, "get pinyada pls"), they had one set up.
"OH, JOY! ME FIRST!" Ashlie yelled. She picked up Brenda and stretched her a bit to use her as a bat, and was about to swing at the piñata when she said, "Oh wait! I need a blindfold!"
Once she got one, a good smack on the head from Brenda, and an actual bat, she took a swing at the piñata. She missed, instead taking a full-on swing at Ren's face.
"YOU..." He clenched his fists.
"Now, now, Ren, it's her birthday!" Stimpy scolded.
Brenda took the bat from Ashlie and sighed. "Let ME do it, dearest sister."
She got a good grip, and 'accidentally' hit Ren on the back of his head.
"Oops!" she said sarcastically. "My bad."
"OK THAT'S IT!" Ren picked up a shovel that was (for some odd reason) sitting on the couch, and hit Brenda right on her crown.
Long story short, they beat the living crap out of each other. On the bright side, Stimpy got the piñata to open, and they all got a bunch of candy.
On the not-so-bright side, Ren and Bren, in their condition, would be eating theirs through a tube in a hospital bed.