Status: New

Man's Best Friend


Brenda scanned her hand and eye on a small security device. The Metroid-style door opened, revealing a large room.
Within that room was her beloved comic book collection.
"It's been way too long," she said, picking up a few books, "since I've read an X-Men comic book!"
Before she could take the plastic off, the doorbell rang.
"Oh, shit!" She quickly ran to the living room and opened the door.
It was that idiot neighbour Ren.
"Hey, bitch. Your fence fell into our yard! Look at this MESS!" He gestered towards the mess. Grass ws dug up and thatfence was way into their yard.
"No reason to get butthurt over it," Bren said, rolling her eyes. "Just give me an hour and I'll have it all fixed up."
"YOU BETTER!" With that, he stormed off.
Brenda sighed, and started dragging the fence out. She knew the hurricane was a nasty one, but the fact that it could drag a heavy fence so far baffled her.
In a short time the yard was as fixed as she could make it. She went back inside to resume her comic book-ing. She realised she'd left her shovel outside, and quickly went to retrieve it.
Little did she know, Ren was out there.
And she foegot to pit the comic book down.
"Hey, what's that?" Ren asked, seeing the 'Spectacular Spiderman' comic.
She quickly hid it behind her back. "Nothing! Nothing, just a-a... Magazine... thing."
"Really." Ren was unconvinced. "Because to me... It looked like a COMIC BOOK."
Brenda started to sweat, as Ren got closer to her.
"Could it be... The Tough-girl Brenda... Is a COMIC BOOK GEEK?" Ren said deviously.
"You tell a-anyone and I'll k-kill you!" she replied, trembling.
"Oh, I won't tell anybody...," he said, inching closer to her. "I'll tell EVERYBODY!"
She grabbed him by the neck with her free hand, and pulled him up to her face. "March 18th, grade 3. You pissed yourelf in the middle of class. December 3rd, grade 2. You took a shit in a plant at your neighbour's house and blamed your friend. Not to mention you basically KILLED Tommy from the house across the street when you were 7 and still wet your bed to this day! Nudes, videos of you totally making an ass of yourself, I know it all. Tell my little secret, and I'll tell all of yours, kid. Got it?"
He slowly nodded, and she released him.
He struggled to catch his breath, and she just giggled. "You're so cute when you're about to pass out."
She laughed maniacly, and walked back into her house.
"I just met the female version of ME...," Ren said to hisself.