Status: Give me ideas

Stopping the End of Days

The Beggining

It has been twelve years since hell broke loose and everyone began to fight one another. I am Rich Mason, but no one calls me that anymore. Everyone calls me Blood Snake now. I am a section leader of the resistance against Al-tètönic, the cause of all this hell. Al-tètönic showed up on December 21st, 2012, the end of the Mayan Calender.
It is now January 12th, 2025.
He said he has to come to enslave us, but we resisted and now everyone is fighting. It is all because we do not know who has joined the Astomile.
My section is based in sector 23-A7 of the city O5-N-E8 in building 2-N5-H4-O5 We have built ourselves into this sector. My second in command, Raven Light, runs the show when I am gone of course. The S.S, Striker and Storm-bomb, is the weapons specialist. Shadow and Silent Gear are the intel and mechanics of this operations. Together the four of them, me second in command, and myself are known as the death squad.
Walking Target is my security captain and his second in command is Bloody Sea is his second in command. They work together a lot better then the Dukes of Hazard.
The supply operator is Wild Light, who, I do not know much about. We have found him ten years ago three miles out of the city.

This is a log of our operations since March 17th, 2023.....