The Vampire's Moon

Chapter 10:Benjamin

I watched Michelle walk down the hill into the trees, and when she was out of sight, I felt a slight ache in my chest at her leaving. I was shocked at my own actions. I didn't understand what had happened. One minute I'd just been looking down at her; the next, something like lightning had passed between us, and I'd had an urge to kiss her. The passion and what looked almost like affection in her eyes hadn't helped a bit with his self control. The entire time, his mind had been screaming at him to stop, that this was wrong. That she hated his kind, and doing this would only make it worse. That she was human, and even if he wished to pursue a relationship, it wouldn't work out, because she would never be immortal.
And he had, he realized. He did want a relationship with her. He did like her like her. And when he'd been about to kiss her, his heart hadn't listened to his head, only fervently hoped she wouldn't push him away.
But she did. She did push him away, but not before he'd seen something, what looked like a flash of fear pass through her eyes. Then, when he'd been about to lift up her lip, using the slight bulge he'd seen merely as an excuse to touch those lips that had moments before been so close to his, she'd looked panic stricken, and blocked him before he could. Was his touch really that repulsive to her?
With a sigh of frustration, Benjamin looked to the sky. It was almost sunrise, and tomorrow was Saturday. We would follow her tomorrow, discover what we could. Once again I ignored the part of me that admitted that this was all now only an excuse to be near her.
Ricky sat restlessly at my side, ready to leave. We walked to the bottom of the hill, and eventually made our way back to the forest's entrance and the bush where Ricky had taken off his clothing. The moon had gone down now, and I waited patiently as Ricky dressed. We got into the car, and Ricky was eager to tell me something. I told him to wait until we got home to tell me, not in the mood to listen, too caught up in my own thoughts, escpecially those last few moments. What was wrong with Michelle? She had seemed sad just before she left. What had happened? All I had done was say she had a nice laugh. Were even my compliments unsavory to her? I shook my head, I would never understand her.
The second the front door was closed when we got home, Ricky had me pushed onto the couch and was screaming.
"Michelle is a WEREWOLF!" he shouted, hands gripping my shoulders.
"What?!" I stared at him in surprise. Where did he get that idea?
He sat down next to me. "You remember the female werewolf we met? The one that was enormous?"
I nodded. How could I forget? She had been huge!
"Well I got a good whiff of her, and then when we found Michelle on the hill she had the same scent!"
I shook my head. "That's not possible, she would have had to stay in wolf form until the moon set."
"I know, it seems impossible. It's true though. They smell the same, and Michelle's hair and eyes are the same color as the werewolf we met. They are one and the same!" He crossed his arms over his chest, a triumphant look on his face making his eyes sparkle.
I had to admit, everything made sense except for the fact that she was in human form during a full moon. It even explained how she had come to know of our kind, since humans normally didn't know those kinds of things. A small flicker of hope came to life in me. If she were in fact a werewolf, than it was all too possible that she was immortal, or would become immortal, which meant we could be together. Werewolf-vampire relationships weren't uncommon, you just couldn't have children since intra-species breeding had been deemed impossible since long ago. So, I might be able to make something of myself and Michelle.
If she accepted me, that is.
"But how?" I asked, some part of me needing to have some little bit of confirmation.
"I don't know, another mystery to solve about her. Why wasn't she upset though? Surely this is her territory. She should have fought with me. Why didn't she though, especially since she could have won?"
I thought about that. A sudden realization struck me. "Maybe she doesn't want the territory. Maybe she doesn't even want anyone of her own kind knowing what she truly is."
Ricky nodded at that. "It's possible."
I shook my head. "I don't understand though, why? Why doesn't she?"
Ricky shrugged. "You tell me."
"I wish I could tell what she was thinking." I stood and walked to the kitchen. Ricky followed after me.
"So, what are we going to do? Surely we should tell her we know what she is?" Ricky sat at the table after taking some beef jerky out of a cabinet. He munched on it as I got a bottle of blood from the fridge and sat down to join him on the other side of the round table.
"I don't know," I said. Then another realization struck me. "Do you know what this means? She's been bitten by her own kind! Vampire kind too! What could have happened to cause those things to happen, especially to such a powerful werewolf?"
Ricky frowned. "I don't know. Something really bad."
I thought about this as I sipped the blood. "We have no need to follow her, now that we know this. We'll just get her to come here or something. Then we'll tell her what we know and press her for answers. That's really all we can do." The thought of her in the house made my heart do a little flutter.
Ricky nodded. "How do you propose we get her here so we can question her in the first place?"
"Leave that up to me." I grinned.
Ricky raised an eyebrow. "You're not going to flirt again are you?"
I nodded, a small smile playing at my lips at the thought.
He scowled. "It won't work, I had to hold her off so she wouldn't attack you last time."
I laughed. "But did you see her tonight? She was so open, and actually talked for once!" And how nice it had been. "She's starting to get used to us, and I can use that to my advantage." In more than one thing, I added to myself.
"You know she probably thinks you're at least one hundred."
"I know, and she's smart too. She'll say yes anyway. I'll get her here, don't worry. We'll win." I reclined in the chair, putting the front two legs in the air as I took another sip of blood. I liked that Michelle wasn't some dumb blonde.
"I hope you're right." Then he stood up and stretched. "I'm going to bed, man. I'm tired as hell." He crossed to the doorway, then paused to look back at me. "Benjamin?"
"Mm-hm," I said, still sipping the drink.
"You like her, don't you? I saw that thing that happened at the bottom of the hill."
I glanced at him over the rim of the glass. There wasn't criticism or anger in his voice, just a mild curiosity. Slowly, I nodded.
A wide grin broke out on his face, which had been solemn as he'd asked, and he laughed, the sound booming in the room.
"All I can say is, good luck, man. She's gonna one tought cookie to crack." Then he left.
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I like this one a LOT, because it gives you some insight, I think, as to how much Benjamin caes for her.