The Vampire's Moon

Chapter 13: Michelle

I slammed the front door behind me, so they'd know I was back. I hadn't taken much: a few personals, some clothes, and my notebook. I set the suitcase I'd put it all in on the floor beside me, then walked into the kitchen. I could sense their presence there, and I found them sitting at the table.
"So, where am I sleeping?" I asked, leaning on the doorjam.
Benjamin looked up at me, and smiled. "You'll be sleeping in my room."
I raised an eyebrow. "Your room?" I felt a strange thrill at that for some reason, but once again steadfastly ignored it.
"Yes. So, follow me." He stood up and walked from the room, and I followed. He grabbed my bag, and when I protested that I could carry it, he pretended not to hear. He led me up the stairs to a room that had dark blue walls, nice choice, and a large bed in the center of the room. There was a dresser against the far wall, and a desk with a lamp in one corner. There was a black leather chair next to the bed, and two windows in the room. Both windows were on the far wall, next to the dresser, and covered by midnight blue drapes with silver trim at the bottoms.
He set my bag on the bed, which had a black silk comforter, and opened it without asking permission.
Hey!" I said. I ran over and snapped the bag shut. "No going through my stuff!"
He just gave me an incredulous look before stepping back.
"Okay," he said.
I glanced around the room at all the dark colors. "You know, I took you for the kind of guy that would have a room decked out in some kind of designer shit. I didn't expect blues and black and simple furniture." I looked around the room again, really looking at it. "Reminds me of my room, actually."
"You have a room that's blue and black?" He didn't really sound that surprised.
I nodded. "Black carpet, midnight blue walls, midnight blue comforter, black drapes, and a desk with a lamp in the corner." I glanced over at him. "You have good taste in furniture."
"Thank you." He walked over to the leather chair and sat down. He looked at my closed bag. "You going to unpack?"
I opened the bag. "All I brought was my notebook, clothes, and some personals."
"Hope you don't mind sleeping in here." He gestured toward the bed. "Or using my blankets and pillows."
"No," I said nonchalantly, even though I secretly liked the idea of sleeping in his bed, for what reason I was dangerously close to finding out. I left the clothes in the bag, but I took out my notebook and set it on the desk.
Benjamin watched me do this, a curious expression on his face. "What is it about that thing you love so much that it would trigger your strength when it was threatened?"
I stroked the notebook affectionately before answering. "It is the only thing I have left of my mother." A quick pang of sadness coursed through me, but I repressed it and turned to him. "I wrote the story of how she met my father and fell in love with him, and how they came to have me, in it."
He raised an eyebrow. "Surely you know how you came to be?"
I scowled at him, but it turned into a smile. "Pervert. You took that and totally twisted it around. Of course I know that part, I meant how they came to get married and stuff. You know, deciding to have me in the first place? That part."
He grinned, laughter making his eyes positively sparkle. "Oh yes, that part."
I sat on the edge of the bed furthest from him, afraid that if I got too close to those eyes I'd do something odd. Like hug him, or worse. "Of course, you probably know all about that kind of stuff. How old are you? A hundred, hundred fifty? You should know about both sides of that particular topic. If you didn't, you wouldn't have such confidence in the fact that you think you're a ladies man. And you also wouldn't be immortal." A flash of anger coursed through me at the thought that he had had sex with some unknown person to become immortal.
His grin grew wider. "Yes, I'm confident in my abilities to swoon the female race. I am one hundred and fifty-seven years old after all. I've had a lot of time to practice. So has Ricky, for that matter. Only, he doesn't enjoy swooning the female race as much as I do." His grin faltered a bit. "As for knowing much about that particular topic, you're wrong. I have never really...well, I've never really had sex with someone I cared about in that way."
I blinked at him, part of me relieved about that, then shrugged. "I'll take your word for it." I snickered then. "And Ricky's smart. All that swooning will get you these days is a slap in the face." Then a thought occurred to me. "How old is Ricky anyway? Is he an immortal werewolf?"
"He and I are the same age. We both are immortal." He glanced at me. "You never told us if you are immortal."
I shrugged again. "I'm not at the moment, but that could change in time."
Benjamin seemed to like this idea, why, I didn't know. He stood up walked around the bed to sit next to me, and my heart did a little flip-flop. "What has it been like living with your powers but no one to share it with? It must get kind of lonely."
Time to shrug again. "Not really. I've been alone for a long time. There really was never anyone I could talk to other than my parents. Once they were gone, I started to hate their kind and myself. That was why I'd felt guilty, because I'd felt I shouldn't be enjoying myself or being with you guys because of what we are." I sighed, looking away so he didn't see my eyes sparkle with unshed tears. "That's really kind of stupid isn't it? Well, I supposed I'd better get used to it. Don't be surprised if I don't talk a lot or if I spend a lot of my time up here writing. That's how I'm used to spending my days. Since I never had other friends, I was my only friend. So if you walk by and hear me talking to myself, ignore it and keep walking."
Benjamin chuckled. "Whatever you say." He reached over and brushed my hair back over my shoulder.
I was surprised at the thrill that went through me when he did that, and how the tears in my eyes dissipated in that moment. I figured it was probably just because I wasn't used to having friends. Friends could do that right? Could friends do that with other friends' hair? I didn't know, I'd never had friends before! That was definitely true, and what was also true was that they were my friends. In the time I'd spent with them, I'd come to like them. Benjamin particularly, especially when he wasn't trying to be overly flirtatious. I glanced over and saw the boy in question was watching me, probably trying to sum up my reaction to what he'd just done. So I smiled, and giving in to the urge suddenly plagueing me, reached over and ruffled his hair with a flash of my hand.
He seemed shocked at that, but didn't have time to say anything before I was out of the room; heading down the stairs before he'd even realized I was gone.
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I bet you guys know why Benjamin was happy, right? Uh-huh. It only gets better from here.