The Vampire's Moon

Chapter 15:Michelle

Benjamin looked at me, confused. "What?"
"My full name is Michelle Savanah Nicksons. I made the people who made this special promise not to use my name and not to show what I looked like. Remember, I didn't want anyone knowing who I was," I replied.
Finally, he seemed to understand. "What really happened then?"
"My mother was killed by a vampire. He had drained her dry when I found her. By then I was too late. Then he came for me, he hadn't wanted any witnesses. He bit me, not the normal bite, but a savage one, which was enough to leave the scars on my neck. His fangs were three-fourths of an inch long." I sighed again, biting my lip to repress tears.
"How did you fight him off?"
I glanced at Benjamin. "I bite back. My fangs were just as long as his at the time. I was ten years old, and he was probably at least one hundred. Once I'd bitten him back, he left without a word. I'd managed to drain him of more blood than he did me. It was pure luck that I was faster. I think it was because he was already full on my mother's blood, and that was why he was slower." I shuddered, remembering. "His blood tasted sweet, too sweet. It tasted of raw power. If I hadn't drained him, he could have killed me then. The blood loss made him weak though, that or he didn't want to kill me. Which wouldn't make sense."
Benjamin had been silent the whole time, and only now decided to voice his question. "What was the vampire's name?"
"I don't know. I believe he was the vampire in the story my mother told me about her old life, before she met my father. He looked the same as the vampire she described. She wanted to keep me safe from this man, for some reason. She never did go into too much detail about him. Apparently he was her old lover. I believe he was jealous and had decided that if he couldn't have her, nobody could. So, he killed her." I shook my head. "If I had only been faster I might have been there in time!"
Benjamin pat my back. "Don't blame yourself."
I looked up at him, knowing the pain I felt was visible in my eyes. "You weren't there. If I had been there I would have been able to save her."
Benjamin pulled me against him in an awkward hug. I wrapped my arms around him without thinking about it, and he did likewise. I pressed my face into his light blue designer tee. In that moment I didn't care he was a vampire, all I knew was that for the first time in my life, someone was trying to comfort me.
"Ahem," said Ricky, coughing into his hand.
That broke my trance. I suddenly was quite aware that he was a boy, and I was a girl. And we were HUGGING ON HIS COUCH. Friend or not, vampire or human, this was weird. It seemed that Benjamin realized this as I did, and we both pulled away at the same time. I put my hand behind my head and rubbed the back of my skull.
"Um, thanks," I said awkwardly. "I needed that."
"Yeah, no problem," he said. We stared at each other for a moment.
"Okay, moving on." I mumbled under my breath, "That was awkward."
Ricky must have heard me, because he started to chuckle. I glared at him.
"You think that was funny?" I asked. "Then you'll find this next part hilarious. This is the werewolf portion."
He instantly shut up.
"After my mother died, my father was beside himself in grief. So when another werewolf invaded on our territory, my father picked a fight instead of talking it out like he should have. I personally think he didn't want to live without her, and that was why he did it." I stared off into space as I recited the next part, oblivious to their presence, aware only of the pain in my chest. "I remember sitting on the front porch, waiting for him to return. He had told me to wait while he got rid of the invader, but I couldn't wait once I heard the screams. I ran off the porch, and went to the woods where the screams were coming from. Eventually I found them, but my father was already ripped to shreds by a werewolf seven feet long. My father was only five. He changed back before he died, to tell me he loved me and that he was sorry he was leaving me alone. He died in my arms, the other werewolf watching the whole time. He seemed to enjoy it, thought it was funny. I remember running at him in my fury, and he bit me. That's how I got the other scar. Then I came to my senses and changed to wolf form, not bothering to remove my clothes first. Clothing flew everywhere, and I lunged at him and I......" I stopped.
"What?" Ricky whispered.
"I killed him," I whispered. "He was only seven feet, no match for me. I was nine feet. He never stood a chance. The moment he bit me, he sealed his fate." I looked at Ricky, then Benjamin. "Fair warning. Don't mess with me unless you have a death wish."
I stood and walked up the stairs. No one stopped me. I had to be alone. That, and I didn't want them to see me cry.
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Touching chapter, but you'll get more of an insight to the death's of her parents later.