The Vampire's Moon

Chapter 17: Michelle

I sat at the window, staring up at the moon. It always managed to calm me when I was upset. It reminded me of the nights my father would turn into a werewolf, and my mother and I would spend the night with him in the woods. I would change with him, and we would wrestle. I always won. I smiled, those were the happiest memories I had. A knocking at my door distracted me from my reverie.
"Come in," I called.
Benjamin entered the room. "I thought you might want some company or something."
I smiled. "Come in; close the door behind you, though. I don't want florescent light in here. Only moonlight."
He closed the door and walked easily across the room to the window where I sat. He pulled the chair from the desk with him, and sat in it. I myself had pulled the leather chair over here to sit in. The drapes had been pulled completely aside, allowing in the maximum amount of moonlight. The moonlight illuminated half the room, making the dark blue that it touched appear to glow. The soft light also made Benjamin's skin shine. Suddenly the feeling I had gotten earlier when he had pushed my hair back flared through me. I distracted myself by looking up at the moon again.
"Do you love the moon?" I asked.
"I think it's pretty enough," he replied, turning to look up at it too.
I turned to him. "But do you love it?"
He ignored my question and asked me one. "Do you?"
"Yes, very much." I looked back up at it. "It reminds me of my parents. When my father changed, my mother and I would go with him. Sometimes I would change, too. I loved the moon so much, my mother called it 'The Vampire's Moon', because I was her little vampire, as she called me. I've called it that ever since." I glanced over to see him studying me with curious eyes. "It comforts me whenever I'm upset. Sometimes, when I look up at the moon, I think I can see her face in the stars around it. Like she's watching over me. It's a small reminder of how much she loved me. Like she's saying that even death couldn't keep her away from me." I sighed, wiping away tears that had started to slide their way down my cheeks. "I sound like I'm reciting Shakespeare, or something."
Benjamin didn't say anything for a moment, just stood to come sit on the arm of my chair. He wrapped his arms around me and I cried. Something I had never let anyone else see me do. Yet, I wasn't upset that he had seen me. I was oddly comforted. I cried, and let him hold me while I did it. The hollow feeling for once didn't feel so hollow.
"I like it when you talk like this with me," Benjamin finally whispered when I had calmed down. "It shows who you are. It gives me some small insight into the real you."
"Do you like the me you see?" I asked, half joking with my face pressed up against his chest.
He nodded. "Very much."
I looked up and stared at him in the moonlight, his beautiful eyes scorching. I had the sudden urge to show how much it meant to me that he seemed to care.
He sighed then. "I should go, you probably want to get some sleep." He stood and walked to the door. He had it opened and was about to leave, but I stopped him.
"Benjamin," I called to him in a voice that was still a little hoarse from crying.
He turned around. "Yes?"
I stood up and walked over to him in the doorway. I wrapped my arms around him in a hug, and stood on my tip-toes to peck his cheek.
"Thank you," I whispered, "for everything."
Then I let him go and shut the door.
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