The Vampire's Moon

Chapter 18: Benjmamin

I walked down the stairs, touching the spot where she had kissed my cheek lightly with my fingertips. The spot felt hot, and I liked it. I sat on the couch, with a dazed expression on my face. Ricky noticed.
"What happened?" he asked. He saw how I was holding my hand against my cheek, and grinned. "She kissed your cheek?"
I nodded, for some reason unable to speak just yet.
He shook his head. "Dude, you're hooked. You've never acted this way about a kiss on the cheek! You've never acted like this about anything actually. Not even when you got that one girl in France fifty years ago to kiss you. You must really like this one."
"I do," I said. "I like this one a lot. Maybe too much. I don't know how to get close to her, without alienating her anyway." I looked over at him. "And it was an Italian girl, actually."
He ignored the last part with a wave of his hand. "Well, you seem to be doing good so far. Just stick to what you've been doing. It's working." He turned to me. "What have you been doing?"
I shrugged. "Mainly being myself and subtle flirting."
He nodded. "That's good. It means she likes the real you. She doesn't like it when you do the full blown flirting like you did yesterday at school. She likes you to be you. Not the fakey flirt you used to pick up chicks in France- oh, Italy." He corrected himself quickly. Sudden realization spread across Ricky's features. "She had been really ticked when you did that full blown flirt thing, can you imagine how much pain she had been in? Her fangs come out when she's angry, and she was really angry yesterday. No wonder she left, so we wouldn't see the blood spill over like we did today."
"I hadn't thought about that." I put my face in my hands, suddenly angry with myself. "No wonder she was so angry in gym! We caused her to cut herself!"
Ricky chuckled. "You caused her to cut herself. You were doing all the talking, and all the flirting."
I groaned. "This explains everything. No wonder she wouldn't talk when she got mad at us!"
"You got that right." Ricky yawned. "I'm going to bed; good night, Benjamin."
"Good night, Ricky."
Ricky left, leaving me on the couch. I decided I would get my few hours sleep tonight, since there was nothing else to do. I laid on the couch and closed my eyes, falling into an instant sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Italy. Hah.