The Vampire's Moon

Chapter 20:Benjamin

Once Michelle was up the stairs I went to the kitchen. I grabbed a fresh bottle of blood and sat at the table. Ricky followed me, getting into the cabinets for a snack.
"Did someone get into my beef jerky?" he asked, rummaging in one of the many bags.
"Yes, Michelle and I had a late night snack," I said.
Ricky grabbed some of the jerky and sat across from me. "Did anything else happen?"
I cocked my head. "What do you mean?"
He gave me an incredulous look. "I mean did you make any progress with Michelle?"
I grinned. "Somewhat."
He waited. "And?" he urged.
"She fell asleep on my shoulder, and later I found out she had woken up but not bothered to move until you came down."
I nodded.
"Nice work. You're making good progress."
We heard the shower come on upstairs.
Ricky raised an eyebrow. "I didn't know changing meant taking a shower."
I laughed. "Apparently it does."
"I hope she brought her own stuff."
"She probably did."
Ricky ripped at his jerky. "So did anything else happen?"
I shrugged. "Not really. We felt each other's fangs. That's about it."
Ricky laughed. "You FELT each other's fangs?"
I nodded. "Yeah. Hers are one and a one-fourth inches long. I don't personally know anyone with fangs that long. The last time I checked, only the Emperor's were that long."
I nodded in agreement. "I know. She has so much potential."
He grinned. "But it's not her potential that's got you head over heels."
"You got that right." I smiled.
We sat in silence for a few minutes, each wandering in our own thoughts.
"You know, if everyone else in the vampire and werewolf communities knew about her, she'd have suitors lined up," Ricky said.
"What's this I hear about suitors?" asked Michelle, walking into the room. She had damp hair that fell over her shoulders, and was wearing a midnight blue turtleneck and jeans. In my eyes, she looked beautiful.
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I am particularly smitten with the 'she looked beautiful' portion of the chapter.