The Vampire's Moon

Chapter 21:Michelle

I walked to the table and sat next to Benjamin.
"I was just saying how if everyone else in the vampire and werewolf communities knew about you, you'd have suitors lined up," said Ricky.
"Really?" I asked.
He nodded.
"Interesting," I murmured.
"Interesting how?" Benjamin asked. It was more than innocent curiosity that colored his tone, I could hear an undercurrent of jealousy. Ah, how easily the male race is provoked into anger and jealousy.
I shrugged. "Well, I've never had suitors before. Never had a boyfriend either. It's just interesting to think that anyone could like me in that way." I thought for a second. "Oh, wait. Scratch that, now that I think about it I did have a boyfriend. It was only for a day though; turned out to be a practical joke. I don't think it counts."
Benjamin was surprised. "You've never had a real boyfriend? One that lasted longer than a day?"
I shook my head.
He stared at me for a second. "Have you ever kissed anyone?"
I was grudgingly honest. "Not anyone awake."
"What do you mean?"
"Nope, not giving out details on that one."
"Please?" He gave that 'puppy dog' look.
I didn't waiver. "Nope."
Benjamin sat back in his chair. "Fine."
I looked at his face and couldn't help but laugh. He was pouting, and slumped in his chair.
He seemed surprised. "What?"
"You look like a sulky child."
"Yes, and it's very unattractive. Sit up!" I made a gesture with my hand.
Something I'd said seemed to lighten his spirits, because he sat up and smiled.
"You think I'm attractive?" he asked. Ah, that was what did it.
I rolled my eyes. "Don't go all macho on me. Yes, I think you're attractive when you're not sulking. Which really isn't much of a compliment, since you've had over a hundred years to perfect your look. Now if I were told I was attractive, it would be a compliment. Especially since I'm not covered in gobs of makeup."
"I think you're beautiful," Benjamin whispered. It was so quiet I don't think I was meant to hear, but he'd underestimated my hearing it seemed. I pretended I hadn't heard, though the recently acquired butterflies decided to have a Fourth of July party in my stomach.
"So what's on the agenda for today?" I leaned back in my chair.
"We're going to go to the hill today," Ricky answered. "Benjamin will be showing you how to control your strength and I will be having fun."
"Well aren't you the lucky one?" I smiled. "But I have something I need to do before that."
"I need to go to Wal-Mart. You guys have nothing but meat and blood. I need other foods. Plus, I need to pick up a few necessities. I still have about a hundred dollars from my foster parents, which is more than enough. I'll end up having to get a job though, since I no longer am going to be getting it from them. I intend to pay for my own things. I'm not a free loader."
Benjamin perked up next to me. "I'll give you a ride." He grabbed my hand and towed me from the room before I could protest. My hand felt like it was on fire. We were outside a few seconds later, and he pulled me into his blue Mercedes Benz. A freaking MERCEDES BENZ I'd never been NEAR anything that nice.
"Whoa," I said. "Nice car."
"Thank you." He started the engine and pulled out of the driveway.
We reached the store rather quickly, Benjamin is a very good driver. I grabbed a cart and pushed it to the food section, Benjamin following silently. I got some ice cream, frozen pizzas, milk, root beer, vanilla cream soda, cereal, and a bag of pretzels. When I was done with that, I went to the hair care isle. I got some shampoo and conditioner, and grabbed some hair ties, too. When I got to the ladies section, I told him to wait in the hair care isle. I didn't want him watching as I got my other necessities.
When I walked down the isle, the first thing I noticed was the popular girls from school. They were standing as a group looking at some miracle product and looked up as I approached. I ignored them and threw some tampons, disposable razors, and deodorant into the cart. When I turned around leave to, they stopped me.
"Hey wait! Aren't you that girl who sits under the tree at lunch?" asked the one who was obviously the leader. She had blond hair that was short and bouncy, and her face was covered in makeup that made her look like one of those damn Barbie doll heads you put makeup on. Dear God, what was the world coming to.
"Yes," I answered.
"Hi, I'm Amber."
"So, Michelle." She stepped closer. "What you got there?" She looked in the cart.
"None of your business." I pulled the cart away.
"Oh, bad attitude. That would explain why you have no boyfriend. Or friends for that matter." She gave me a smug look.
I glared at her. "I'd rather have no friends than be shallow little bitch who has to wear more makeup than a New York City whore just to impress guys."
She guffawed. "I'll have you know you-." She never finished, because at that moment one of her friends came around the corner.
"Benjamin's here!" she said excitedly.
The blonde leader smiled. "I have better people to see than you, loser. I have to go make a date with the hottest guy in school." She flipped her hair and stalked off, her loyal, but stupid, group following behind her.
The second she was gone I laughed. This was perfect. I was going to get groceries and payback on Benjamin for pulling me down the hill two days ago! I was going to leave him to the wolves. All I had to do was wait a few minutes for them to ambush him, then I would fly in and rescue him from them. I watched the little television hanging from the ceiling at the end of the isle for a few minutes, then walked to the hair care isle. Benjamin had a girl hanging on every part of him, and Amber was leaning up against his chest. He was utterly trapped. Wonderful.
"So, Benjamin," Amber said, "I'm free tomorrow, you want to see a movie?"
At this moment I loved the fact that preppy bitches were so easy to read. I could guess what she was thinking, and it was either 'Wanna make out?' or 'The back seat of my car is really comfortable, wanna check it out?' I snickered, and Benjamin looked up and spotted me. The relief on his face was extreme. Amber saw him look and turned around.
"What do you want now, loser?!" she said. The acidity in her voice was enough to melt the rubber off tires. "I don't think anyone here wants you."
"On the contrary," I said to her, then I turned to Benjamin. "Sorry I took so long, Benjamin. There was a hold up in the isle."
"One that took five minutes to get out of?" he asked. He definitely didn't believe me.
I smiled. "Okay, there was no hold up. I just really wanted to throw you to the wolves."
He glared.
"You're here with her?" Amber asked, shock evident on her face for a moment before it was replaced by a look of complete confidence. "Well it doesn't matter. You're not any more. I'm going to save you from this reject." She welded her body against him, and for a moment a black wave of jealousy made me want to pry those pretty little nails from those pretty little hands that she had draped so prettily about his neck. "You're here with me now." In her mind I could almost hear her saying, 'You're mine! No way am I losing you to her!'
Once I saw that blatant show of possessiveness from her, I that I knew I wasn't going to get her to let go of him willingly while he was still single. Unless he was already taken. This would be interesting.
I left the cart and ran up to where they were. I pushed her aside and welded myself against him like she had just done, trying to ignore the butterflies and the Barmitzfah they were having. I stood on my tip-toes and kissed his cheek, and when I pulled back I whispered in his ear, "Play along."
I stepped down and wrapped my arms around him.
"You can't have him Amber! He's my boyfriend! He's already with me, right Sweetums?" I looked up at him, eyes wide and a tried one of his famous 'puppy dog' looks on for size. He looked surprised, extremely so, but he caught on.
"Right, Cupcake," he said. Then he wrapped his arms around my waist and we walked off, after shoving off a few cling-ons. I pushed the cart with one hand as we left Amber with her friends, mouths agape. At that moment she was probably thinking, 'Did I miss something? How? She's a reject! How did I lose him to her?'.
We kept up the funny, but terrible, act until after everything was paid for and safely in the car. Once inside I laughed so hard tears came to my eyes.
"That was great! The look on her face!" I laughed harder.
"You left me to the wolves! How is that funny?" he asked, mock outrage in his voice.
"It's hilarious! It was the perfect payback for pulling me down the hill a few days ago." I looked over at him. "Plus you, being male, couldn't interpret properly some of the things she was saying and most likely thinking. I could. You're lucky I came when I did, or you'd have been trapped."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean you know how she asked you to the movies tomorrow?"
He nodded.
"Well, as she said that the things that were really going through her head were either, 'Wanna make out?' or 'Wanna check out the backseat of my car?'." I laughed again.
He was shocked. "Really?"
"Yeah, and when she said you were with her now she was probably thinking, 'You're mine! No way am I losing you to her!'." I wiped my eyes. "Once I figured that I knew the only way to get you out of there alive, or at least not smothered in Amber, was to pretend like we were a couple. I can't believe it worked!" I shook my head. "Cupcake? That was terrible. I'm going to call you that from now on, it's too funny!"
He smiled. "Look who's talking! Sweetums? Come on! You can do better than that!"
"Hey, I could have used Love Muffin!"
We both laughed. We drove to the house, laughing the whole way. When we got there Benjamin helped me bring in the groceries.
"Thank you, Cupcake," I said when he placed the last of the bags on the table.
"You're welcome, Sweetums," he said.
We laughed, and Ricky was just surprised when he heard this as he walked in the room.
"Did I miss something?" he asked as he sat down at the table.
I unpacked the groceries as I explained. By the time I was done, Ricky was laughing, too.
"You pretended to be a couple?" he laughed.
"I know, hilarious isn't it? Plus, I got payback." I smiled.
"I'm going to get you back, you know," said Benjamin.
"You mean you're going to TRY to get me back."
"No, I mean I WILL get you back." A mischievous look entered his eyes as he said this.
"We'll see." Then I walked to the doorway and turned back to face them. "Shouldn't we get going now? The park, remember?"
They nodded. "Yeah, let's go."
They stood from the table and walked over to stand next to me.
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This one is great! LOL! Several WTF?! moments in here!