The Vampire's Moon

Chapter 22:Benjamin

We reached the park quickly, and I let Michelle go ahead of us. Ricky walked with me down the path.
"I have an idea of how to get you and Michelle together faster," Ricky said. He looked over at me. "You're doing fine on your own and all, but it certainly is taking a while."
I sighed. "What have you got in mind?"
"Well, when you guys finish practice, go sit on top of the hill. Sit so that you're facing her, and I'll come up behind her in wolf form. I'll force her forward until she's practically in your arms, then you do what you will from there. Kiss her, hold her, I don't care just do something!"
"That might not work."
"It's worth a shot."
I shrugged. "I suppose."
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When will guys learn? Really!