The Vampire's Moon

Chapter 23: Michelle

I watched as Benjamin and Ricky climbed up the hill to me. Benjamin looked excited for some reason I couldn't understand.
"Ricky is going to go change real quick," Benjamin said. Ricky had stopped halfway up the hill and was heading for a thick patch of trees.
"Okay." I said. "What exactly are we going to do?"
"It's simple really." Benjamin withdrew a rubber ball from one of his pockets. "We're going to have you throw this ball."
I gawked. "You're going to have me throw a ball? That's it?"
"Yes. We'll have you throw it certain distances, forcing you to control your strength.
"Too easy." I smiled.
"We'll see."
Ricky bounded up the hill, having changed into a werewolf. Benjamin handed me the ball and told me to throw the ball to the bottom of the hill. Easy enough. I threw the ball, and it went sailing into the trees.
"Not so easy, is it?"
I scowled. "I'll get it, you'll see."
Ricky brought the ball back and I tried again. Overthrew. Tried again, this time I got it. Controlling my strength like this was harder than it looked.
"Okay, now throw it into that patch of trees," Benjamin said, indicating a small grove far in the distance.
"Fine." I took the ball and threw. I didn't throw hard enough, and it landed about twenty feet short. That one took me several tries, and so did the others. The targets kept getting farther and farther away, so I had to control how much strength I used even more. Careful not to overthrow, but not come up short either. After several hours Benjamin finally said we were done.
"I think you've got the hang of it. Now I want to see how far you can throw it. Use all your strength," he said as he handed me the ball.
I threw as hard as I could, and the ball soared into the distance. I didn't see it land, it was too far away.
"I don't think you're going to get your ball back," I said.
"That's okay. It was Ricky's anyway." I laughed, and Ricky growled next to Benjamin.
"Are we done?"
"Good, I don't think I could take another minute." I sat down on the warm grass.
Benjamin sat across from me so we were facing each other. Ricky was behind me, and I could feel his presence as he moved forward. I felt a cold nose on the back of my neck, and I leaned forward a bit.
"Ricky! Stop it!" I said, laughing. Ricky just put his front paws on my back and pushed me forward. I could have pushed him off easily if my arms didn't hurt from all that throwing, and he was just playing anyway. Or so it seemed. I ended up having my face inches from Benjamin's before Ricky stopped pushing. We were looking in each other's eyes, and when Ricky hopped off my back, I didn't move.
The rash urge pulsed stronger than ever inside me, and I felt the butterflies' party going full swing in my stomach.
"You have beautiful eyes, you know," Benjamin whispered. His cool minty breath flew into my face and I was stunned, my head spinning.
Slowly, Benjamin moved closer. His cool lips were on mine and I felt my heart beat double time. I wrapped my arms around him, and he did likewise. I closed my eyes, savoring the moment. When we pulled apart, he was smiling wider than I'd ever seen him. Ricky moved to sit next to him, a smug smile on his werewolf face. Suddenly the pieces came together in my mind.
"You planned this!" I accused.
Ricky nodded his wolf head.
"I didn't think it would work," said Benjamin. "But I'm glad it did." He grabbed my hand in his.
My eyes narrowed. "Well this is nice. My first kiss and it's planned!" I ripped my hand from his. I was gone in a flash, running down the hill before he realized I had even stood. I gave in to the speed and was moving faster than I ever had. I was at the house in about five minutes, slamming the door behind me. They wouldn't be home for at least half an hour. I ran to the bedroom and locked the door.
I felt terrible. I wasn't angry like I had thought I would be, but I was sad. Depressed. I had at one time in my life dreamed of my first kiss being romantic and natural. (I didn't count the one from when he was asleep; I mean he was asleep!) So much for that. I had just wasted it on a guy who has kissed more girls than I can count. How nice it must have been to get the girl who had rejected him, probably for the first time ever!
A sudden thought made me stop pacing the room as I'd been doing. That was right. I probably was the first girl to reject him. I'd been beginning to think he liked me back. I was an idiot. He didn't like me at all. I'd been a challenge! And when I hadn't given in quickly, he'd resorted to planning it all out!
My chest hurt, and for one horendous moment I thought I was going to cry. I'd allowed myself to trust him, even LIKE him, and this was what happened. I felt like my heart, fragile as it already was, would break again. I didn't want to stick around until they got back. I had to calm down first, before my heart was completely lost to the sadness swamping me. I grabbed my notebook and a pencil off the desk before unlocking the door and exiting the room.
I left the house and walked around town, trying to make myself feel better. I went to the little park in town, sitting beneath a large tree. I sat there for a long time before picking up my beloved notebook. I opened it to a clean page and wrote the first thing that popped into my head.

I cry when there is no one around
My heart has been dropped beneath ground
I was tricked into love that I hadn't wanted
Now my soul is forever tainted
Black is the color my heart has been painted
I long for the love that was true
The one your parents give to you
But they are gone and I am filled with gloom
Except when I lay beneath the Vampire's Moon

I flipped the page and started a new line, the one I was writing just made me sadder.

Tell me you love me, or tell me you don't
Cause I won't tell you I love you, if you won't
My heart longs to love you, but you don't seem to care
Your web of lies had my heart ensnared
I wanted to believe that you were the one
That all of my searching was finally done
But none of it was true, it was all a lie
And now all I have to do is say goodbye
I wish this were easy, instead of so hard
My life changed so quickly, like the turn of a card
I wish we'd never met
And that all these memories I could forget
There is nothing hard that you have to do
All you have to do is find somebody new
I won't get over you any time soon
All I have now is the Vampire's Moon

I closed my notebook, feeling slightly better. I didn't know why I had ended each poem by mentioning the Vampire's Moon; maybe because the only true love ever felt for me resonated from it. I looked up at the now dark sky, and my Vampire's Moon. I could see the stars around it, and could almost see the face of my mother. Her straight black hair was the darkness around the moon, flowing loose over the sky, enveloping everything in it's warmth. The two bright stars were her golden eyes, deep and caring.
I smiled, tears dripping down my face. My mother would want me to be happy, and she would want me to face my problems. I had to go to the house, I couldn't run from this forever. Ricky would probably be asleep by now, I would feel better if it were only Benjamin I had to deal with. I willed myself to run, giving in to the speed again. I was on the doorstep in less than a minute. I reached up, and opened the door.
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Stupid guys. Don't they know better?!