The Vampire's Moon

Chapter 24:Benjamin

I opened the door and entered the house. I threw myself onto the couch, angry.
"I am such an idiot! I should have known she would be angry when she figured out we set it up!" I put my face in my hands.
Ricky sat beside me. "No, don't get mad at yourself. It was my fault, I came up with the plan."
"You just pushed her forward, after that it was all me. I was the one who kissed her!" A sudden realization set in and I was bounding up the stairs in a flash. "What if she left? Like really left? She isn't here right now, so she could have!"
I opened up the door to my room and found that her things were still there, to my relief. Her notebook was gone from the desk, though. She probably just left to calm herself down, and writing was the only way she knew how. I walked to the leather chair that still sat by the window, and sat down.
"I'm going to wait for her here. Hopefully, she'll be back soon," I said.
Ricky shrugged. "Whatever, do what you have to do to get the girl."
He left, closing the door behind him. I sat in the chair, waiting. I heard Ricky when he went to bed hours later, and saw the Vampire's Moon rise. I remembered when Michelle had told me that story; had it really just been the night before? The sound of the door closing downstairs made me jump, and I listened as someone climbed the stairs and opened the door. Michelle stood in the doorway, and when she saw me a look of despair crossed her face.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, at least he's trying to make it better.