The Vampire's Moon

Chapter 25:Michelle

I felt a whole new wave of depression when I saw Benjamin sitting in the leather chair by the window. He looked at me with those beautiful eyes and I felt like I might cry. I walked to the desk and set down the notebook before turning to him.
"What do you want?" I asked.
"I'm sorry," he said. His voice was painfully sincere.
I looked at him, his sincere expression, and turned away unable to look any longer lest I start crying again. "It's okay, I mean, I don't supposed I can blame you, can I? I'd want to get the girl who rejected me too." I laughed without humor. "God, I'm stupid. I'd actually started to think you liked me. But, I suppose looking back at it all now it makes sense. I was just a shiny object to you, wasn't I? A new toy, so to speak. Sorry for thinking otherwise. I know it should have been obvious, I mean, look at me. I'm not pretty, or blonde, like the girls you must prefer. You have had one hundred and fifty-seven years, after all, to get any girl you want..." I knew I was mumbling stupid things, things that must be irrelevant to him, but I couldn't seem to stop. "Jeez, I can't believe I ever thought for even a moment that you might like me. I'm really stupid, right?"
"What the HELL are you talking about?" his voice was soft, but so full of a quiet fury it shocked me, and I turned to look at him. His face was angry, hostile, even, and he stood, with his hands clenched at his sides. "Is that really what you think? That I'd kiss you just because you didn't give in to my charms?"
My eyes widened, and I slowly began to back away from him, my legs bumping the side of the bed. "Well, what else could it be?"
"You really are an idiot!" He suddenly lunged at me, pushing me back onto the bed, covering my body with his.
I was extremely aware of the heat coming off him, and especially the heat in his eyes. They scorched me, and made my skin tingle with a single look. His hands held my wrists against the bed. In that moment, I couldn't have thrown him off if I'd wanted to; the heat of his anger had given his strength a boost that overpowered mine.
"Isn't it obvious, Michelle?" he asked, his voice still soft and filled with fury, but with an extra hint of tenderness and affection. "I don't kiss people for stupid reasons like that. Don't you think better of me than that?"
I stared up into eyes that were molten, some of the fire burned down, but now filled with some new heat along with it that that made me shiver. "Of course, but since it's me we're talking about...I mean, how am I supposed to believe that you like me, the freak? The half-breed?"
He shook his head. "It seems I'm going to have to convince you."
Before I could ask what he meant, his mouth swooped down to claim mine. His lips were strong and demanding, but tender and sweet at the same time. They moved against mine, a constant pressure, and he began to nibble at my lower lip. The feelings I'd had on the hill came back, and my entire being seemed to catch on fire. I melted against him, and when he stopped nibbling my lips, I nibbled his, just as I'd wanted to do back then. They were so soft and smooth, and I wanted to gobble him up.
He let me nibble for a few moments, before taking control again, the typical dominant male. He pressed his lips to mine with a new fervor, his hands releasing my wrists to cup my face. My hands wandered around to his back, and some purely female instinct I hadn't known I'd had made me run my nails lightly down his spine. I was rewarded when he shivered against me, making us both aware of the fact that he was pressed against every inch of me.
His left hand moved from where it cradled my head to run down my side to my hip, where he rubbed little circles into the sensitive flesh through my jeans. His tongue ran along the seam of my lips, wordlessly asking for entrance. My lips parted, and his tongue invaded, tasting every available corner of my mouth. He moaned, and it reverberated through his chest. I decided to a little exploring of my own, and pillaged his mouth in turn. He tasted sweet and minty, and so tastey. I twined my tongue with his, playing with the silver stud he had there.
I smiled against his lips, and as our tongues continued to do the Tango, I pulled my hands between us to run them under his shirt, up the cool contours of his chest, the smooth, cool planes making me shiver. He moved both of his hands from my head and hip to the hem of my turtleneck, running his fingers along the hem. He murmured something unintelligable against my lips as his fingers skated under my shirt, heading up across my stomach to my B-cup bra. I gasped when his hands found my breasts, which were suddenly sensitive, and squirmed against him.
He moved his mouth from mine, and moved so he was breathing against my neck. His lips brushed my pulse point, and I felt his tongue snake out to lick it. I gasped, and then moaned when his hands started to massage me.
"Michelle," he whispered, just before he bit down on my neck, and began to drink my blood. Heat coursed through my body, and instead of feeling pain from where he bit me, I was instead filled with an intense pleasure.
I knew where this was heading. I knew what was going to happen if this didn't end soon, but I didn't want it to end. Biting amongst vampires is seen as a very, very, intimate act. To only be done amongst those who were married, lovers, or betrothed. So, his biting me definitely said something about how he felt. You didn't bite just anyone. If I'd had doubts before about whether or not he liked me, I didn't now. No, sirree, I had no doubts whatsoever. I also knew that in that moment, I was so happy I felt it to my core, and something came alive inside me. An overwhelming surge of power that I had no doubt must be one of the dormants. I also had no doubts that if we didn't stop, I was going to be immortal before dawn.
And I honestly did not care.
"Hey, Benjamin? Is Michelle home..... Holy cow!"
Benjamin retreated from my neck, reluctantly, I noted, and we both looked up to find a stunned Ricky in the doorway, one hand on the doorknob. His finger was still on the light switch. "Sorry! Didn't mean to interrupt anything!"
For a moment I became immensely annoyed at Ricky for interrupting, and wished fervently that he would just LEAVE. Less than a second later, he was sent flying from the doorway and slammed into the wall across the hall.
"What the hell!" Benjamin shouted.
We both jumped up at the same time, after Benjamin and I had removed our hands from each other's shirts, and ran from the room. Ricky was on his back, sprawled on the hall floor.
"What happened?" Benjamin crouched down and propped Ricky against the wall.
"Michelle just looked at me and I suddenly felt something pushing me back," he said, winded. "It would seem your make out session released the dormant power in her."
I ran my fingers through my hair. "I wouldn't call it making out," I said, but at both Ricky and Benjamin's looks, corrected myself. "Okay, okay! So we were making out. And what, I can suddenly use the Force? What am I a Star Wars character? Like the whole, 'Benjamin, I am your girlfriend', thing?" I imitated Darth Vader in the last part.
Ricky laughed, but Benjamin got an excited look on his face.
"Girlfriend?" he said. "Really?"
I rolled my eyes. "Do you think I let just any guy get under my shirt? No! They have to be special, and I have to love them."
His eyes lit up when I said the 'L' word. He grabbed my hand and pulled me down so I was level with him, then kissed me.
"Okay!" Ricky said. "Not in front of me!"
I glanced over at him, wanting him to shut up and not intrude. Suddenly, Ricky's mouth shut and wouldn't open. I pulled away and tried to help Ricky open his mouth.
"Now what?" Benjamin asked tiredly, looking at Ricky.
"I don't know! His mouth won't open!" I said. I pulled at Ricky's lips but they wouldn't come apart. "Open, dang it!"
The second the words were out of my mouth, Ricky's mouth came apart. He gasped.
"What just happened?" Ricky asked.
"All I did was glance at you, and suddenly you couldn't talk!"
Benjamin seemed to get an idea. "What were you thinking of when you looked at him?"
I shrugged. "I wanted him to shut up and not interfere while we were kissing."
"And before that?"
"I was wanting him to leave.....Oh."
"Exactly, whatever you wanted him to do when you looked at him, happened."
Ricky looked interested. "Your dormant powers really were triggered during your make out session!"
I scowled. "Stop calling it that!"
"Whatever, it still triggered it."
Benjamin smiled at me, and out of nowhere said, "God, I love you, Michelle."
My eyes widened, and I felt something I identified as love course through me. His words, so simple, yet, so sweet, so kind, so tender, so LOVING, made my heart feel as though it were about to burst, as I felt a love to match his flow through me. Something seemed to click into place inside me then, and something new began to course through me. I suddenly collapsed from my kneeling position under the force of it, and Benjamin caught me with a startled yelp.
"Michelle, are you okay?" he asked worriedly, which only served to increase my feeling of love and the new energy pulsing beneath my skin.
I felt inside me, trying to identify what it was, and suddenly realized that this feeling that was in me, a feeling of youthfulness, was my immortality. I had triggered it without having to lose my virginity. I smiled, and felt inside me to the place the dormant powers had been located, expecting to find it empty, but shocked to instead find that there was more.
"I have good news, and bad news," I said, sitting up again and reluctantly removing myself from Benjamin's arms.
"What?" Benjamin asked.
"Not only have I unlocked the Force, but apparently I'm now immortal."
He blinked. "How?"
"I don't know, but I can feel the youth pulsing through my veins." I smiled. "I think it was what you just said right now that triggered it."
Benjamin was ecstatic. "This is great! Now you can be with me-I mean us, forever."
"That means a lot of these." I looked at him, wanting him to kiss me.
He was forced forward until we were kissing. When I released him from the power, he sat back, grinning.
"I like that power," he said.
"Me, too."
"What was the bad news?" asked Ricky, interrupting us again. I glanced at him, and willed him to slap himself in the face. To my delight, he did.
"Hey! No making me hurt myself!" He glared at me, then smiled. "I see how it is. You throw me from a room, make me shut up, and make me slap myself while all Benjamin is forced to do is kiss you. That's not exactly fair is it?"
"I'll throw you down the stairs if you don't shut up!" I threatened. "Now here's the bad news, there are still dormant powers. I don't know what, but there's still one there."
Ricky groaned. "Am I going to have to walk in on you two again to trigger this one?"
I sighed. When I looked at him this time, I willed him to go to his room. Immediately he was forced up and into his room down the hall. Benjamin laughed.
"That could come in handy!" he said.
I laughed. "You're telling me." I willed him to kiss me again, and Benjamin gave in eagerly.
We sat on the floor kissing for a few minutes, tongues once again doing a seductive tango. Then I reluctantly pulled away, sighing.
"I'm going to go to bed now, I'm tired," I told him. "I'll be down in a few hours, wait for me."
I stood and walked to the room, blowing Benjamin a kiss before closing the door. I must be in love to stoop to that. I switched off the lights and curled up under the blanket. I was so happy at that moment, it seemed to emanate from me. I inhaled the scent of the blankets, purely Benjamin's minty smell, and closed my eyes.
I thought about the last dormant power; wondering what it could be and what triggered it. I realized something then. The speed and strength were triggered when I had felt great anger at them, and great fear for the story in the notebook. The immortality was triggered when I felt love for Benjamin. The Force was triggered when I felt happiness with Benjamin. Anger, fear, happiness, and love. The only emotion that would really make sense to be next would have to be sadness. In that moment before I fell asleep I suddenly wasn't sure if I wanted to feel a sadness great enough to trigger this power, because I knew that this inner turmoil would have to be greater than the sadness had I felt when my parents died. I didn't want to feel any sadness that great.
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Yay! If still slightly perverted, it was sweet all the same.