The Vampire's Moon

Chapter 26: Benjamin

I made my way down the stairs and to the couch, a wide smile spread across my face. I had never felt like this before, love was as new to me as it was to her. Ricky came down after a few minutes. He sat next to me, and rubbed his head.
"What's wrong with you?" I asked.
He glanced at me, but continued to rub his forehead. "I couldn't sleep, when she threw me from the room I hit my head pretty hard. I've got a killer head ache."
"Oh." I smiled.
"And you?" He turned to me. "How are you?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well, you were really upset earlier. You feel better now?"
I rolled my eyes. "No, I feel terrible. I could kill myself now I'm in so much grief." My voice absolutely dripped with sarcasm.
Ricky laughed. "Yeah, you're fine. I suppose kissing can put you in that kind of mood."
I grinned. "That, and love."
Ricky whistled. "Love? This is getting serious. You've never been in love before. Or at least, not that you've told me."
I shook my head. "No, I haven't. I've never felt this good before. I love her."
"Dang, this is awesome! We get a new companion and you get a girlfriend for eternity! This keeps getting better and better."
"Yeah." I thought for a second, then I turned to Ricky. "I don't think we should face the Emperor. I don't want to put her in harm's way if it isn't necessary."
He nodded. "I'm with you one hundred percent. I don't want to risk it either."
"Unless it's absolutely necessary. The Emperor has been getting restless looking for 'the Key'. Whatever that is. Apparently, whatever it is has extraordinary power. He's been searching six years now. Once he gets it, he could use it to control both of the races. If he tries that, we may be forced to mobilize with everyone else."
"I know, let's hope it doesn't come to that."
We sat in silence for a while, eventually Ricky turned on the TV, but I didn't watch. All I could think of was Michelle and the Emperor.
What if it did come to that?
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