The Vampire's Moon

Chapter 28:Benjamin

I was surprised when Michelle walked back into the room with none other than Sylvia. Michelle sat beside me as Sylvia sat in the leather chair. She looked us over, her eyes resting on Michelle.
"I didn't know you allowed humans to know your secrets," Sylvia said, eyes alight with something akin to jealousy.
"Excuse me?" Michelle said, her beautiful face changing into a frown. "I'm not human."
Sylvia grinned. "Then what are you? You certainly don't look like any werewolf I've ever met." She raised a brow. "And you can't be a vampire. I can hear the beating of your heart from here."
Michelle grimaced. Then surprisingly, she smiled. "I'm not just a werewolf or vampire, you're right. I'm much more."
I saw a mischievous look enter Michelle's eyes; the same one she'd had while making Ricky get her ice cream. "Stand."
Sylvia was forced to her feet.
"What the-?"
Sylvia sank disgracefully to the floor with an 'oomph' that made me want to chuckle.
"As I said," Michelle chuckled, "I'm not a just werewolf or vampire, I'm much more."
"Show off much, Michelle?" I asked, laughing only slightly so as not to piss off Sylvia.
She grinned. "Kind of."
Sylvia stared at Michelle, amazement and rage obscuring her features. Then she turned and glared at me. Apparently that light chuckle was enough to set her off after all.
"I was sent to tell you that the races are mobilizing. The leaders have decided that now is the best time to overthrow the Emperor; before he finds 'the Key'." Sylvia stood and stalked to the door. "Good day, Benjamin, Ricky," she spat out the last name, "Michelle." Then she was gone.
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I don't like Sylvia.