The Vampire's Moon

Chapter 29:Michelle

"Who's the Emperor?" I asked the moment Sylvia was out the door.
Benjamin and Ricky both had worried looks on their faces.
"I'm going to find out eventually," I pointed out.
Benjamin sighed, seeming to give in.
"The Emperor is the ultimate ruler of the races," he said. "Over the past two decades or so he's turned into a tyrant. He controls a lot of what the races do. He made it against werewolf and vampire law to have children. We are also unable to move from our positions-move homes-without his permition. It took three years for him to grant us permission to move here!" I saw Ricky snort in disgust next to Benjamin. "He's keeping a strict eye on everyone. Anyone who disobeys the rules is killed, along with the children who might have been born illegally. Also, this keeps either of the races from growing, so with every death, our numbers decrease. He put in this rule sixteen years ago. He has been looking for what he calls, 'the Key' for six years. No one knows what it is, but it is supposed to be extremely powerful.
"We were afraid that when he found it, he would use it to control not only our races, but human kind as well." Benjamin paused, letting this information sink in before continueing. "The leaders of the races- There are two, one for each race.- were trying to decide on a good time to mobilize the races and overthrow him before this could happen. Apparently they have decided on now for some reason. I have no idea why."
He gave me a meaningful look. "We have to fight with them. I will not force you to come, Michelle, but we must go. We've been waiting for this moment for a long time." He looked down as he said the next part. "But I would like it very much if you came too, Michelle."
I closed my eyes. Did I want to fight? I didn't know. I would probably be a valuable ally if I helped them. I didn't want Benjamin to leave, either. At least, not without me. Oh! I also wouldn't like Ricky leaving, of course. I opened my eyes, my mind made up.
"I'll go," I said.
Benjamin smiled, but it didn't touch his eyes. He seemed worried about bringing me. "We'll leave in the morning. Go pack clothes and stuff, then try and get some sleep. You'll need energy for all the attention you'll be getting at the camp."
I nodded. "You know where we're going?"
"Yes, the base camp that was made for this very reason when the Emperor started enforcing these ludicrous laws."
"Okay. One more question."
"How do you know Sylvia?" I let my eyes bore into him as I watched for a change in his expression. Somehow I knew that there was some sort of...history between them.
He seemed hesitant to answer, brow furrowing. "She's my..."
"She's his ex-girlfriend," Ricky finished for him.
Benjamin nodded, a look that said 'please don't be angry' crossing his face.
I raised my eyebrows, a small flash of anger passing through me regardless. "She didn't seem your type."
"It wasn't very long lasting, we had nothing in common. I was only fifty at the time." He hung his head. "She still has the hots for me. If she starts to harass you, don't be surprised. Especially after what just happened." He suddenly grinned. "You really showed her."
"I did, didn't I?" Now I grinned.
"Well, I suppose I'd better get as much sleep as possible; I'll need strength to fight off Sylvia. Thank God you had the common sense to break with the bitch." I leaned over and gave Benjamin a good night kiss, and Ricky a good night pat on the back.
"He gets a kiss and I get a pat on the back? That's not fair!" Ricky called after me. I laughed as I ran up the stairs and entered the room.
♠ ♠ ♠
I really hate Sylvia.