The Vampire's Moon

Chapter 30:Benjamin

"Dang," said Ricky. "This sucks."
"Yeah," I agreed. "Wait until we get there. She'll be getting attention from everyone. I'm dreading having her meet my parents. I hate having the leader of vampires for a father."
Ricky nodded. "It isn't easy having the leader of werewolves for a father, either. I don't look forward to her meeting my parents just as much as you don't want her to meet yours. Once they find out her abilities they'll be all over her." He stood, and walked to the stairs. "I'm going to bed. I'll see you in the morning, try and get some sleep yourself, okay?"
I nodded. Ricky left and I heard his door close a few seconds later. I looked at my hands, clasped in my lap. Should I have told Michelle the whole truth about Sylvia and I? I was grateful Ricky hadn't blurted it out, but still...what would have been her reaction if I had told her? Could I even tell her, humiliated as I was about it? I laid out on the couch and closed my eyes; I could figure it out later, but for now I might as well listen to Ricky and try to sleep.
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Ah, men, they never learn. Keeping secrets will only make us mad.