The Vampire's Moon

Chapter 32:Benjamin

I held Michelle in my arms, cradling her against me. She'd passed out so suddenly, what was wrong with her?
"Will she be all right?" my mother asked from where she hovered near me.
"I think she'll be fine," I said, though I was worried myself.
As though sensing my unease, Michelle's eyes fluttered open, and she looked around at us all, taking in her surroundings. Everyone let out a sigh of relief, resuming their seats as she slowly lifted herself up, but I kept a hand on her shoulder just in case.
I was about to ask her what had happened, but she beat me to it.
"Sorry," she said, voice shaky and sounding almost panic-stricken. She took a deep breath, and when she next spoke, she sounded mostly normal. "I panicked. I passed out and relived..." she didn't continue.
"What about the conversation panicked you so?" Ricky's father asked. "Surely a description of the Emperor isn't enough to scare that badly?"
She looked at him. The next words out of her mouth shocked us all. "His fangs have grown since I last saw him."
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh, shocker.