The Vampire's Moon

Chapter 35:Michelle

I stared after Benjamin, but didn't follow. It was obvious he didn't believe me at all. I could feel tears start to well up in my eyes, and started to wipe them away, but stopped when I couldn't see a point to it. I curled up and cried for a few minutes. Why didn't he believe me? That idiot! Didn't he know the truth when it stared him in the face? Why would I kiss someone else when I had him? That's just it; I wouldn't.
I heard a chuckle from behind me, and turned to see Michael.
"You!" I snarled. My fangs popped out uncontrollably with my flash of anger, slicing open my lip and chin. A growl tore from my throat.
"Calm down. Can't have you in a bad mood when we take you to the Emperor can we?" he said.
I blinked. "What?"
Michael laughed. "It's obvious isn't it? Sylvia has informed the Emperor that you're here, and now he wants to see you."
"Sylvia?" I made it a question.
"Yes, Sylvia. We work for the enemy, Michelle. Where else could she have been all day, when she could have been all up on Benjamin, if not delivering a message? All we needed to do was get you alone so we could take you to him." A smug smile covered his face. "That was easy enough, I knew you would follow Benjamin when he went off to be alone."
Shock corsed through me. Michael and Sylvia were betrayers? They'd told the Emperor about me? Why would he want me? Why would they do that, anyway? Why betray their own kind?
"Why?" It was hardly and adequate question compared to all the specifics I wanted, but broad enough to get my point across.
He gave me a pitying look. "Why? Simple, Michelle. The power. Once the Emperor takes over, the ones loyal to him shall gain in ways they never dreamed. Why stick with the losers anyway? The Emperor could kill them all easily." He grinned suddenly. "Now all I have to do is knock you up a bit so you'll come with me, and I can take you to the Emperor."
My eyes narrowed into little slits. "Well you forgot one thing, Michael. You can't knock me up a bit. I'm more powerful than you."
"I don't need to be more powerful than you."
A hand wrapped around me from behind, pressing a cloth over my mouth drenched in chemical inhalant.
"It's amazing how quiet we vampires can be when we want to," Sylvia whispered in my ear.
Horror dawned on me as I sagged against Sylvia. I had made a stupid mistake, caught up in my own anger and shock. I hadn't paid attention to my surroundings or senses and got snuck up on. The last thing I heard before the darkness overshadowed me, was the laughter of two maniacal vampires.
♠ ♠ ♠
I really hate them. I truly do.