The Vampire's Moon

Chapter 4:Benjamin

The next morning Ricky found me on the couch, still thinking about Michelle. There was something about her that wasn't normal, that was different. I had to know what it was. Why am I so entranced by her? Ricky forced me to drink something, though I was not particularly thirsty. When I went back into the living room with my drink, Ricky reminded me what night it was.
"Tonight is a full moon," he said, an excited look on his face and in his eyes. I think we're both teenagers on the inside, despite our age. "The best night of the month!"
"Maybe there are other werewolves in the area that we'll meet tonight," I said.
"Maybe they'll know about Michelle Nicksons!" I said excitedly. I felt my lips curl into a smile.
Ricky rolled his eyes. "Man, you are hooked, and in only one day, too. What is it with this girl that's got you so fired up?" See? Teenagers.
"She's different, Ricky, and no, I'm not 'hooked', just curious. Besides, if we learn more about her, maybe we'll figure out how she knew what we are so quickly." In my mind some small part of my brain pointed out that I was just using the latter as an excuse to find out more about her, but didn’t pay attention to it.
"I guess you've got a point." He frowned. "But it's obvious she hates our species. We may not get her to talk to us again. Without using force, anyway. How do we figure out more about her if she won't talk?"
I thought about it. The solution presented itself when our doorbell rang. I answered it to discover a young woman, pretty enough, standing on our doorstep.
"Hi!" she said cheerily. "My name's Britney and I'm your new neighbor. I just thought I'd welcome you to the neighborhood!"
"Thank you, Britney," I said. I smiled at her, and I heard her heart-rate speed up. "Now why don't you tell me why you really came over this fine morning?" My voice was a bit layered with my persuasion power.
She blinked. "I heard the guys living here were hot and came to find out myself." She looked me up and down, shamelessly ogling. "The rumors were true; you are hot."
I smiled hugely, I loved how much an advantage my looks gave me over people. I enjoyed how persuasive they and my own vampiric powers of persuasion made me, and Britney had given me an idea. "Thank you, Britney." I kissed her hand before shutting the door. Needless to say, she swooned on the spot. I admit to being slightly cocky.
When I walked back into the living room Ricky was laughing so hard he nearly fell out of his chair.
"You heard that?" I asked.
He nodded, still laughing.
"Well, I owe her. She just gave me an idea of how to get Michelle talking."
Ricky stopped laughing, utterly serious. That was the thing about him; he can be happy one minute, and serious the next. "How?"
I smiled again. "We persuade her."
Ricky raised his eyebrows. "You mean flirt?" His voice sounded tired. He'd heard this plan before.
I nodded. Ricky’s pessimism would not bring me down.
Ricky rolled his eyes. "She doesn't seem like the kind of person that would fall for that."
"She's only human, it'll work," I said. I was confident in my abilities to swoon the female race; I'd had one hundred and fifty-seven years to practice after all.
"She's no ordinary human." Then he rolled his eyes. “God, you’re cocky!”
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I like this chapter because it shows the brotherly relationship Benjamin and Ricky have.