The Vampire's Moon

Chapter 38:Benjamin

Ricky and I approached the castle carefully, hiding behind two trees to keep from being seen. We had followed Michael here and knew that Michelle was in there somewhere.
"So, what's the plan?" asked Ricky.
"I don't know," I said. "I can't see the castle very clearly in the dark. I can't tell where the best entrance way would be."
At that moment, alarm bells suddenly started going off within the castle. I saw Michelle pushing past guards and running out toward the woods we were in. Two figures were behind her, and the dark one grabbed hold of her from behind. The other figure disappeared, and when I looked around I didn't see them. The person who had a hold of Michelle suddenly turned her around to face the direction where we were. She looked like she was about to say something, but the figure covered her mouth.
"Something's wrong, Ricky," I said. "Why's she looking over here like she can see us?"
"Because she can see you," said a voice.
In a matter of seconds Ricky was on the ground, stabbed, and Michael was biting my neck, drinking my blood. A wave of panic washed through me and I could feel myself growing weaker as my blood was drained. In that frantic moment I remembered what Michelle had said about biting back. I bit down hard on his neck, and he jumped in surprise. I drank furiously, trying to finish him off before he could me. When it came down to it, I was faster. I drank him dry, but he had drained a lot of my blood as well.
I sank to the ground next to Michael's body, and felt unconsciousness slowly spread through me. I was going to die. I had lost too much blood to him, and it was the only thing possible. I slowly closed my eyes and let the darkness overcome me, pain and sadness filling my mind. My only wish was that I could see Michelle one more time, and apologize. But most of all, I wished I could tell her I loved her.
One more time.
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Dang it! Dang it! Dang it! See what happens next, you won't be disappointed! (I hope... :( )