The Vampire's Moon

Chapter 40:Benjamin

I was surrounded by darkness. I couldn't hear, see, taste, touch, feel, or smell anything. I was there, but I wasn't. I was alive, but I was dead. I was cold, and I was warm. Nothing was definite, and I couldn't tell where my own body was. It was like my mind was there, but I wasn't. I tried to get back but couldn't. I fought against the darkness, trying desperately to find light. I had just about given up, when I heard the voice of an angel calling to me.
'Benjamin?' the voice said.
'Yes, I'm here,' I told it.
'Benjamin, whatever you do don't stop fighting! Keep going! Don't give up!'
I struggled harder with renewed vigor, the angel's words giving me strength.
'That's it! Keep going!'
I thrashed and pulled. I could see a light now, however small it was.
'Go toward it Benjamin! Go towards the light!'
I forced myself forward. I could feel new strength, this time from the light. I pushed myself to it, and when I reached it I grabbed hold of it. The warmth flooded through me, and I could start to feel again.
'Hold it, Benjamin! It's your life force, let it flow through you! Let it thrive! Let it live!'
The light got bigger, and bigger.
'Let it live!'
I could feel my senses returning. Slowly, I became aware of my body. I was cold and stiff. Finally, I could no longer see any darkness. Only light surrounded me, and I basked in it's glow. I suddenly felt tired. I let sleep fill me, and before fully drifting off, I realized who the angel was.
'Thank you, Michelle. I love you, my angel,' I said.
'Sleep now, Benjamin.'
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh, God, here it comes. The end. Just a few more to go. Almost done...