The Vampire's Moon

Chapter 43:Michelle

I bent over Ricky’s body, a tear or two dripping on his peaceful face. I kissed his forehead. "May your life be good in death, and may you find peace."
I gave in to the crying, letting it swamp me and depress me, but at the same time comfort my aching heart. When Benjamin woke, it was to me crying over Ricky's body.
"What happened?" he asked, but the haunted look in his eyes when he looked at Ricky's body made it apparent that he could already guess.
I explained the events, choking up when I had to explain about Ricky. Benjamin cried, a sight I'd never seen before-and so heartwrenching that I never wanted to see it again.
"He gave his life for me," he choked out between sobs.
I nodded. "He said he'd see you on the other side."
Benjamin didn't say anything about that, but I could tell he was thinking on it. Then he turned to me. "Michelle?"
I smiled slightly. "Yes?"
"I want to be honest with you. Sylvia...she's the one who made me immortal. She's the one I..." he turned his head away.
I smiled. "Benjamin, I honestly don't care. I have you now. That's all that matters."
We looked at each other, and had no need for words. Everything was said in a glance. The love we had, the trust we felt in one another, the pain we both felt at Ricky's loss to us.
Benjamin and I embraced, crying on each other's shoulders.
When we stopped for a brief moment, I looked to the sky, and I saw the Vampire's Moon. One of the few sources of comfort I'd had in my entire life, it meant so much to me now. When I looked this time though, I saw something new. Something wonderful.
"Look!" I yelled, pointing.
Benjamin looked and his mouth dropped open.
In the sky was not only my mother's face, but Ricky's as well. Swirling black clouds around the Vampire's Moon were his hair, and the dark brownish gold stars were his eyes. The high silver cirrus clouds made up his lips, pale and cold in death. Those lips weren't frowning though, they were smiling.
"I'll be watching." The voice brushed, tender and kind, across my mind, and I smiled.
So Benjamin and I sat there. We held each other close as we absorbed in the love of those two lost loved ones, beneath the pale silver glow of the Vampire's Moon.
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The last chapter. Damn, it took a while to get here. Now all that's left is the epilogue....