The Vampire's Moon

Epilogue:Ten Years Later

At first glance, you would think it was a pair of siblings walking hand in hand with their little brother between them. You’d never expect it to be what it really was, because what it really was, was in fact a fantasy to most people.
“Momma!” the little boy complained to the pale girl with straight black hair and emerald green eyes, who appeared to be sixteen, but was in fact twenty six and an immortal werewolf/vampire. “How much longer until we get there?!”
“We’ll be there soon, Ricky,” answered the older boy, who had short, messy blond copper-streaked hair and blue eyes. He appeared to be the same age as the girl, but was actually one hundred and sixty seven years old and a vampire. “Have patience, okay?”
The boy sighed. “Okay, Papa.”
The girl led the two boys off the designated trail and into the deeper part of the woods. Tonight was a special night for this family, for it was the night of the full moon. The trio stopped when they reached the bottom of a large hill that rested at the woods’ heart.
“Yay!” the boy cried, releasing his parents’ hands to run up the hill.
The two parents stood at the bottom, watching their six year old son run about in the moonlight. The boy grabbed the girls’ hand.
“It’s hard to believe, Michelle,” he said, “that it’s been ten years already.”
“I know. So much has happened.” Michelle smiled as she watched little Ricky twirl on the hilltop. “But I’m so happy. We’ve made so many accomplishments, Benjamin. We abolished the Emperor’s tyranny, we’ve become the new rulers of the races, and, I think, we’ve been fair and just rulers.” She leaned into his chest. “And yet, I feel none of these can compare to our greatest accomplishment.”
“I know what you mean,” Benjamin said. Both stared lovingly at the small little boy. “We will stay by him for as long as we are able, but if ever a time comes that we can not, all he will have to do to see us again is look up at the moon.”
“Momma! Papa!” little Ricky called. “Hurry up!”
The two lovers made their way up the hill, and took the little boy’s hands on either side of him. All three stood looking at the moon. Ricky, the boy who was three quarters vampire, one quarter werewolf, looked up into the face of his mother.
“Papa?” he asked. “Why is Momma crying?”
Michelle wiped her face on her sleeve. “Just remembering an idiot of a werewolf I once knew.”
The boy Ricky with raven black hair and sky blue eyes laughed, and the stars that shone above that happened to look like that same idiot werewolf seemed to glow brighter than they ever had before.
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I hope you've liked my story, I've worked hard on it. I hope that when you look up at the moon from now on, you will remember Ricky from this story. I'm thinking of writing a sequel, so tell me your opinions on that. Thanks for sticking with me. Tell me what you thought overall.

'Even in death there is life.'-Michelle Nicksons