The Vampire's Moon

Chapter 5:Michelle

The next day of school wasn't bad. Benjamin and Ricky were in none of my other classes as it turns out. Once it was time for lunch, I grabbed a tray and sat beneath the usual tree. I ate quickly, not really tasting the food, and when I was done I closed my eyes to think. Once again I sensed their presence as they entered the courtyard, but I ignored them. I looked over once to see that they were sitting with the populars again. They glanced over at me a few times, I noted, but never saw me looking. They were probably telling the populars that I was a freak that enjoyed writing stories about the death of vampires. Oh, and don't forget werewolves. I closed my eyes again and chuckled under my breath. When I let my mind wander, I found myself thinking about the love story I had started the night before. I banished those thoughts, and instead thought about poetry.
I opened my notebook and began to write when a good line presented itself to me.

When I was lost, you were my guide
When my heart was black, you were the light
But now you're gone, when I needed you most
All I'm left with, is your memory's ghost
For now I am lost, and there is no guide
And my heart is black, and there is no light
I want to go back to before the fight
Back to when there were no lies
Because I am lost, without a guide
And my heart is black, without any light

"What are you doing?" asked a voice.
I wasn't surprised to look up and see Ricky and Benjamin; who else would have the guts to bother me? I hadn't sensed them approaching; when I write I tend to lose myself in my thoughts and not pay attention to my surroundings. Benjamin was the one who had spoken, clad in his designer jeans and a tee. Ricky was standing next to him, wearing the same thing but with a red tee instead of a midnight blue like Benjamin's. It made it his eyes stand out quite nicely. What? I'm a girl, I can't help but notice these things; even if I am the only person on the planet who will never fall in love.
"Writing," I answered simply, voice bland.
Benjamin sat on my right, Ricky on my left. I could see the populars watching from their table from the corner of my eye. It was obvious the reason they had come over here; they had been dared or made a bet. I would make them lose that bet or dare.
"Not about killing vampires and werewolves I hope," said Ricky. His voice was full of laughter. About what, though, I didn't know.
"Nope." I put my pencil in the spot I'd stopped at and closed the notebook.
"Then what?"
"None of your business."
"Let me see," said Benjamin, reaching for the notebook.
When I pulled it out of Benjamin's reach, Ricky grabbed it. He wrestled it from me and opened it to the spot I'd put my pencil. He read the poem, then passed it to Benjamin. Once he was finished, he began to flip through the other stories, finally resting on the one I'd started to write last night. I tried to get it from him, but Ricky held me back. I could have easily ripped from his grip if I'd been in my wolf form, but I couldn't change there for all to see. Benjamin read a few pages before closing the book and looking up at me.
"That was a love story," he said, sounding surprised. "The poem was beautiful, but depressing. The love story though...." He raised his beautiful eyebrows. "I didn't think you could be a romantic." Ricky let me go, and Benjamin brushed my hair out of my face, stroking my cheek with the back of his hand. His eyes were deep blue, and seemed irresistable. Vampire tricks I'd bet. He can use his eyes to make himself seem more persuasive if he wants. They don't work on fellow vampires, though.
In that moment the bet he'd made was clear to me; he'd bet he could make the freak girl fall for him. The anger that welled through me at that point was so strong I thought I would burst. A growl wanted to escape my throat, but I repressed it. I could feel my fangs begin to pop out, but I kept my mouth closed instead of letting them go out over my lower lip like I usually would. I didn't want them to see them, that would inevitably cause me problems and reveal my secret. The fangs kept growing, and they cut the inside of my lip. Benjamin handed me the book, and moved in to place his arm around me.
"So, can you tell me the other reason why you hate vampires and werewolves so much?" he asked, whispering next to my ear. His voice was low and seductive, he had probably perfected it for that same purpose after years of practice.
I was ticked. Not only did he hope to win a bet, but he hoped to charm information out of me!
Not happening.
I could feel the fangs grow a bit more, so that they were buried deep into my lip. I could taste the sweet, coppery blood as it began to fill my mouth. I gripped my books and notebook tight as I pulled away from him, stalking off to the girls bathroom before the blood in my mouth could brim over. I didn't look back to see his reaction, I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of thinking I cared.
The bathroom was empty, thank goodness. I ran to the sink and spat out the mouthful of blood and saliva, rinsing my mouth with water. Once I'd calmed down enough that the fangs withdrew from my lip, the wound began to heal quickly. One advantage to being part vampire, you heal really fucking fast. By the time the bell rang, the wound had healed over, leaving only the slightest mark on the inside of my lip that would fade in an hour or so.
In gym, I avoided Ricky and Benjamin completely. I walked over and sat on the bleachers when it got down to just Benjamin and I in dodge ball. Once the bell rang, I sprinted from the room. I ran the way home, and managed to avoid running into either of them. Once home I grabbed a picnic basket and began to pack. I wasn't going to let them ruin my special night. This was all I had to look forward to, and they were not going to make it bad for me!
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I think this chapter is funny, partly because the previous one foreshadows it, and it's kind of funny watching his plan backfire.