The Vampire's Moon

Chapter 6:Benjamin

I walked home from school disappointed. Thankfully, Ricky didn't decide to turn on me until we were in the house.
"You got rejected!" he laughed. He sat on the couch, clutching his sides.
"Okay, you were right," I admitted grudgingly. "She's not a normal girl."
"Yeah, but for her to reject you." He laughed harder. "You've never been rejected before by anyone!"
I waited for Ricky to calm down before continuing. "You were right, flirting didn't work. We won't try that again."
"What will we try then?" Ricky asked.
I shrugged. "I have no idea. I've never dealt with this kind of person before."
"Maybe we shouldn’t deal with her at all. Maybe we should just leave her alone."
"You know we can't do that. We have to figure out how she knew about us. I'm curious to see why it is she hates our species, too." Among other reasons, I thought to myself, immediately denying that I might actually like her like her afterwords. If Ricky knew what I was thinking, he'd never let me live it down.
"Yeah, you're right, though she still has reason enough to hate us with those bite marks, I say." Ricky sighed in defeat. "But how do we get her talking?" He blinked. "Didn't we have this conversation this morning?"
"Yes, and I don't know." I sat beside him on the couch. "How do you force a human girl to talk these days?"
Ricky seemed to ponder this for a moment. "I have seen something done, but it's pretty mean."
I raised an eyebrow. "We're one hundred fifty-seven, since when do we care about being nice? If anything, we've learned in that time that niceness will get you no where."
"Okay." He seemed hesitant.
"So, what is it?"
He sighed, and seemed to give in to indulging in a 'mean plan'. "We could threaten to tell a huge secret of hers to the whole school. Nothing makes a girl talk faster than threatening to tell a bunch of people how her nose is fake or something."
"Nice work." I nodded, satisfied. "But how do we discover a secret of hers if she won't talk?"
"That's the hard part. We'd have to follow her."
"We have to spy on her?" I looked at him, and knew he could see the almost pleasure I felt at this. "No problem."
"You are actually going to enjoy this!" Ricky said, surprised and slightly amused.
I shrugged. "Hey, it gives me a chance to discover more about her."
"You mean it gives you a chance to get payback for turning you down if you discover something good enough," he pointed out.
I grinned. "That, too."
He rolled his eyes. "Only you could find enjoyment in blackmail."
"You got that right." I laughed.
"Come on, I don't want to be anywhere near this town when I change."
"We still have a few hours, Mr. Impatient; let's watch some television."
I turned the TV on and discovered the special about Savanah Nicks was on again. We both settled onto the sofa to watch.

A few hours later we arrived at the nearby woods, and Ricky jumped out eagerly. He ran to a bush and stripped behind it, reemerging as a werewolf, which looks like a wolf only bigger. Ricky is one of the more powerful werewolves. At nine feet long, he's the biggest of his kind that we've ever seen. We've seen a lot of werewolves, too. We walked along the deserted path into the forest, listening for others of his kind. What we didn't expect to find was Michelle, walking the path ahead of us. The moon was about to rise, and she was walking fast, as though trying to get somewhere by a certain time. She reminded me for a moment of the White Rabbit in Alice in Wonderland-I'm late, I'm late! We followed her as she veered of the path, and into the woods without a guide.
Of course, we followed.
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Yay! Benjamin's ego deflated somewhat!