The Vampire's Moon

Chapter 7:Michelle

I walked in the dark of the trees, trying desperately to lose Benjamin and Ricky. I was surprised to see them here so early, and with Ricky already changed into his wolf form. He was a powerful werewolf at nine feet long. I could take him on easily if I had to, though. If I could just change!
I maneuvered around a tree, and hid in the darkness. I watched as they passed, and once they were far enough away that I could no longer sense their presence, I doubled back to the trail. I had to find my way myself once the trail ended, but eventually I found myself at the bottom of a huge hill, trees surrounding it on all sides. I made my way up to the flat top of the hill, setting out a blanket and my picnic. I ate a bit and watched the moon for a few hours, something I could do all night. Then I laid out a long tape measure, which reached only to about twelve feet. I stripped and felt myself change, a strange prickly feeling spreading throughout my body. I closed my eyes, and when I next opened them, I was a werewolf with black fur. I lay next to the tape measure. When I looked at the length, I was pleased to see I was a full twelve feet long.
I grinned, displaying two rows of ultra sharp white teeth. I stood on my four legs, and ran. Running in the woods with the moonlight glinting on my fur is one of the best experiences I could ask for. You feel like you could run into oblivion, likeall your problems are gone and done with.
It was amazing.
I ran and ran through the trees, but I was going so fast that I couldn’t stop in time once I had sensed their presence. I burst through to a clearing, and couldn't turn around and run away before they had noticed me.
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Short.....not much else.