The Vampire's Moon

Chapter 8:Benjamin

We'd been wandering around, admiring the scenery and having lost Michelle hours ago, when the new werewolf burst through the trees, stopping just a few feet away. Ricky rushed over, and was crowding around this new werewolf. I stared in amazement, this werewolf was as black as night, with green eyes that shone like emeralds. It was at least twelve feet long, the first werewolf I'd seen that was longer than Ricky. I assumed that this werewolf was male, since none of the females we'd ever met had grown past seven feet. Sexist, but true.
"Hello, sir," I said to the werewolf. "Are you the only other werewolf in this area?"
The werewolf grinned, flashing two rows of sharp teeth.
The werewolf just grinned wider. Ricky circled around the werewolf, then he grinned as well, a flash of sharp teeth.
"What, sir?"
Ricky shook his head, his dark fur shining in the moonlight. I thought for a moment, then I understood what he meant.
"Oh, I'm sorry! Hello ma'am." I nodded at the werewolf, who was still grinning. So it was a girl. A girl who was twelve feet in length. This was one girl werewolf you did not want to mess with.
The werewolf nodded at Ricky, then bounded away quickly into the forest back the way she came. It took us a moment to realize she was gone, then we ran after her. She would lead us to more werewolves in the area. Eventually we ended up at the bottom of a hill, and sitting on top looking up at the moon was Michelle.
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Another shorty.......ah.