‹ Prequel: Summer Love
Status: Active.

Loved You First

Sean just nodded his head, a smile still on his face. Mae looked over at her parents and smiled at them as a thank you for not mentioning Niall to Sean. Mae had never mentioned that she had a relationship with one of her “friends” over the summer, and she didn’t plan to. Niall ended the relationship with her and she didn’t think they were ever getting back together, and she felt that what Sean didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him. Over the year Mae made herself get over Niall, and even though it was hard, not seeing him for months helped. She had been in a happy, seven month relationship with Sean and she loved it almost as much as her summer relationship with Niall.

She just hoped she still felt that way once she came face-to-face with the man she fell in love with last summer.

and as always, thank you to the lovely vices for the beautiful layout. she is amazing at everything she does.