Status: Chapter titles are lyrics from the song "Anna Sun" by Walk the Moon. Give it a listen :)


Oh! Anna Sun

As Robin rested that night, he craned his sore, aging body towards the window. Across the street was a string of apartment complexes much like his. The illuminated windows allowed him to peek into some of the lives he had impacted.

On the fifth floor, there was Titania and Oscar, reading a story to Paulie to help him sleep. Oscar did that every night before work, along with kissing Titania goodnight. It wasn’t all butterflies and country clubs for the couple, but Robin saw how they worked through it, he saw the binds of a family forming and strengthening. Each night when Paulie’s parents would turn out the lights, Robin saw the beam on the young child’s face as if it were the harvest moon in the darkest of nights.

On the third floor, he saw the two men that finally lost all inhibition and loved fearlessly. Robin didn’t even know their names, but he knew that if he hadn’t slipped the ecstasy in the dominant male’s drink, they’d never have an opportunity to be as happy as they were now. The girl that used to live with the dominant male was gone, and Robin knew that she had run away with the man who would wait for her in the fire escape. Robin hated to bear the knowledge that he was the force that brought these people together. Personally, he liked to believe that they had come to their sense without his help. Yet, had Robin not intercepted their complicated lives, they would be drowning in heaping mess they began with.

Merriam would be happy, so he thought. He told that to himself whenever he did this sort of thing. Merriam, his wife, had died many years ago and begged Robin on her deathbed to not become a bitter man unbelieving in the powers of love.

Because love requires people live up to their potential, it forces them to become an individual, and most capital of the qualities of love-- love makes people do the craziest things.
