Awake and Unafraid

Chapter 4 We Could Take to the Highway

Chapter 4

We Could Take to the Highway

-The Rest of May-

The rest of May was a blur of music. I went into the Eyeball Records Studios with Frankie and Pencey Prep. I played drums on all thirteen tracks of their album. Being in the studio was a new experience that I was happy to be a part of with Frank. I didn’t see or hear from Gerard much. Well actually really not at all. Things were beginning to be different between us since that night and I hated that. The tension between us was hurting our friendship. I missed him so much, but I knew the time away from each other would be good for us.

-June and July-

The summer was crazy. I toured New Jersey, New York, and various other places with Pencey Prep until the end of July, when Tim was better and was able to play again. It was bittersweet for it to be over. I was happy to give Tim back his drums and that he was better, but I was sad that I wasn’t gonna get to be in the band anymore.

Frank was sweet about it. He said, “Sis you can fill in anytime we need you.”

I was happy to have that opportunity and I hoped it would happen soon.

I didn’t see Gerard or Mikey much that summer. Gerard hardly ever left his house. He was always like that, but I usually was there with him. This summer was different. I was always busy with the band and I was taking summer classes for college, so I was busy all the time. We talked on the phone a lot, but it wasn’t the same. I missed him a lot.


August wasn’t any better. It was similar to the rest of the summer, but no band. No music. I missed the music and crowds. And the look on Gerard’s face when he’d watch me play. I missed Gerard in general. I hardly saw him. Kat kept him on a short leash away from me. I still felt awkward when I was around him now, but I missed my best friend. He and Frank were the only ones who actually knew the real me. I missed Gerard so much. And most of the summer I had been depressed, though. I need him so much. Why do I need him so much?