Status: in progress

The Great Cat's Daughter

Chapter 7

I sprinted into the camp all the way to my father before coming to a stop and taking a deep breath to calm myself. He nods at me and I nod in return in silent greeting.

"Jadis, the Queen of Narnia!" A dwarf announces. "Empress of the Lone Islands."

The witch arrives at our camp on a litter carried by Cyclops. They set her down about 10 feet away from us and she stands and walks towards us. By now the entire camp including the children are assembled in front of father's tent around her. We wait for her to come towards is on the rock plateau.

"You have a traitor in your midst, Aslan." She yells.

I hear gasps from the crowd though I know exactly who she speaks about.

"His offense was not against you." Father replies calmly.

"Have you forgotten the laws upon which Narnia was built?" She replies smirking.

"Do not cite the Deep Magic to me, Witch. I was there when it was written." Father says getting angrier as can be heard in the tone of his voice. I can see fear in the witch's eyes for a few moments before it disappears but it is still satisfying. I was not created yet when Narnia was created; however I came soon after.

"Then you'll remember well that every traitor belongs to me. His blood is my property." She yells at us.

Out of the corner of my eye I see Peter stepping forward and drawing his sword. "Try and take him then." He says taking a step forwards. When we all turn to look at him I shake my head at him.

"Do you think that mere force will deny me my right... ...little King? Aslan and Aurora both know that unless I have blood, as the law demands." She says turning to face the crowd. "All of Narnia will be overturned and perish in fire and water." She then turns and points at Edmund. "That boy will die on the Stone Table... is tradition. You dare not refuse me." She says turning to us again.

"Enough. I shall talk with you alone." Father says turning and walking into his tent.

"Not so alone Aslan. Your daughter will be joining us. Won't she?" The witch replies staring at me menacingly though it sounded as more of a statement than a question. Father and I both knew we couldn't argue with her so I replied with a much calmer voice than I expected. "After you." I say looking to the tent and following as she enters. I spare a glance at the Pevensie children who have looks of fear on their faces. I sigh and follow them inside.

The witch sits down in a chair facing the door as we sit across from her.

She smiles a sickly sweet smile at me and I could barely contain the shiver that threatened to come over me from her cold gaze and she seems to have noticed it as well. We all stare at each other for almost an hour with debates going through all of our heads until finally Father speaks.

"What do you wish for in exchange for the boy's life?"

She looks to think for a few moments before responding. "I wish for the blood that is rightfully mine. It can't be any old soldier willing to sacrifice themselves for the cause either. This blood must have the same worthiness as Edmund's, or maybe more." She replies looking between us.

I look at my father really hoping she doesn't mean where my brain has led me too.

After a few moments of thought he answers. "I accept. My life in exchange for Edmund's."

She laughs harshly before looking at me. " I seem to recall that your daughter is the protector of those children. Shouldn't it be she who is the sacrifice? "

My father looks about to reply when I speak up before he can."I accept!" I couldn't let anything happen to Edmund. It's my job to protect them all and I've lived my life for many years they have hardly even begun. I failed in protecting him before and I wouldn't fail them again now. My father sighs and looks at me with many emotions in his eyes. Before I can try and figure out what's there I hear the witches laughter.

"I accept. Both of your deals. Foolish girl, really Aslan I expected you to have taught your daughter better than this." My face must have shown the confusion I was feeling for she quickly explained herself. "Your father already accepted the deal dear girl. Now I shall have both of your lives."

My father sighs but keeps his head up like the king he is but I can't and I lower my head in shame.

A few minutes later after the news that my father and I are going to die at the hands of the witch sinks in some more. I learned to accept the fact and move past my mistake.

"At midnight tonight you will come to the stone table alone." She says standing up and walking towards the door with my father and me following her. I mutter." I'm sorry." To my father too low for the witch to hear it.

The Witch throws open the flaps of the tent. Everyone who was sitting quickly sits up. She walks back towards her seat, pausing to look at Edmund, Father and I walk to the edge of the plateau.

"She has renounced her claim on the Son of Adam's blood." My father announces. Everyone cheers at the news and pats Edmund on the back.

"How will I know your promise will be kept?" She asks stopping at her chair.

Father and I both roared in return. The witch sat down suddenly in shock and the whole camp laughed apart from father and me. She and her entourage leave and everyone start celebrating except for us. I look over to Lucy where she smiles noticing us. I can't bring myself to smile and walking away to my tent as father goes into his. As I entered the tent I jumped on to my cot and fell asleep.