Sequel: Oh, Catastrophe
Status: 6/1/2013 Completed.

Immaculate Misconceptions

Act Twelve: Lead

"Someone shut that damn phone up!" Ryan's voice groaned, irritated as he pulled a pillow snuggly over his head.
No one moved though as the bus continued to drive them to the next city and the fact that no one moved is what caused Ryan to toss the first object he grabbed at the bunk across from him, hitting Josh Balz right on his temple.
"Fucking shit, what the fuck?" He rubbed his forehead groggily, a cell phone somewhere in the room obnoxiously blaring "If I was Your Vampire" by Marilyn Manson.
"Shut that phone up!" Ryan snapped again, burying himself deeper into his blankets.
Josh scoffed, rolling over the side of the bunk to let himself down. The phone quieted down and for a minute Josh considered crawling back into his bunk but then another phone went off, blaring "Black Parade" by My Chemical Romance. He crawled on his hands and knees searching through the pockets of many pants but that phone stopped ringing too. He plopped down on his butt and let out an annoyed groan, somewhere in the area a phone was now vibrating, clattering against the floor noisily. He found it stuffed in a compartment and answered with a venomous tone,
"Am I speaking to Mr. Olsen?"
"No, this is his friend Joshua."
"Mr. Balz?"
He ran his fingers through his hair, "Yes?"
"Hi, this is Rachel from the police district down here in New York City. We apologize for calling at such odd hours-"

Josh felt himself wake up automatically when he heard it was the police. It's been a few days since they last heard from them after they announced the closing of Chris' case and he was more than curious to find out why they were calling him now.
"It's fine! What's going on?"
The women cleared her throat, "We're calling to inform you that the decision has been made to reopen the missing person's case of Christopher Cerulli. His parents have been informed and have approved the opening-"
"You're reopening Chris' case?!" Josh said loudly, kicking Ricky who laid in the bunk in front of him. The boy stirred and when he didn't wake up right away Josh kicked him even harder causing him to sit up abruptly and bang his head on the ceiling of his bunk.
"What the FUCK!" He cussed, rubbing his head. The loudness caused Ryan to groan in frustration and Devin shifted in his own bunk but continued to snore.
Using hand signals, Josh got Ricky's attention and pointed at the phone while he spoke again, "Re. Opening. Chris'. Case." He said more slowly.
Ricky was immediately attentive and scrambled to shake Devin, Angelo, Ryan, and Kuza awake.

In less than 2 minutes the boys had stumbled their way to the front of the bus, stuffing themselves in the small booth with the cell phone placed in the middle of them. The women's voice was slightly grainy with the bad reception and the effects of her being put on speaker.
"What's with the sudden change?" Kuza asked, a tad bit cranky and slightly frustrated.
"At approximately 10:34pm the signal for Christopher Cerulli's cellular was turned ON."
The boys seemed taken aback, already looking at each other with wide eyes.
"What's the next step?" Angelo spoke for the shell-shocked boys, running a hand through his tousled hair. They weren't sure what they felt right now. Was it relief? Confusion? Hope? Anxiety?
Or doubt.
"We have an address and we are ready to make an arrest. Cerulli's parents have been contacted and have confirmed the continuation of the investigation. Out of courtesy, they have requested we let you all know."
"We got to get out there." Ricky looked at Angelo hopefully, speaking quietly. "We just have to."
Angelo gave him a nod but pressed his finger to his lips to shush them, "Is the arrest being made now?"
"We have a team heading to the location now for a full raid. If Mr. Cerulli's there, we WILL find him."


The LOUD, OBNOXIOUS, especially LOUD banging on Caleb's door made him groan in annoyance. It was what? 2am? Maybe even earlier for all he knew. He felt like he didn't even have a chance to close his eyes for five minutes.
"Go away!" He practically groaned, pulling a pillow over his head. It was probably one of his drunken friends or something. All he wanted to do was sleep.
The banging got even more louder. In fact, it was pounding.

His eyes widened and for a minute he was frozen with shock. What the FUCK did he do now? His brain raked itself for any memory of illegal activities but he could think of none. Especially not any that would bring the police pounding at his door so early in the fucking morning.

"Fuck shit shit shit shit fuck shit shit fucking hell. God fucking dammit." He whispered under his breath as he swung his legs over the edge of the bed, "HOLD ON! I'M COMING, I'M COMING. Dear God, why me."

Caleb nearly fell as he stumbled to the door. He reached for the knob but not before the door burst open. Caleb yelped as the edge of the wooden door made hard contact with his face, tossing him backwards and onto the floor. He clutched his nose and mouth in pain.
He curled up into a ball on the floor as he cupped his face and whimpered. He stared at the 4 officers in shock as they all pointed guns at him. Someone turned on the lights.
"ARE YOU GUYS INSANE?!" Caleb shrieked, pulling his hands away from his face to see them covered in blood. His nose was gushing and his teeth cut into his upper lip, staining his them red, "What the FUCK!"
Caleb cringed, putting his hands over his head as they focused their eyes on him, "I don't know who you're talking about man! I don't know a Christopher Cerulli! I swear!"
"Search the apartment!"
"What?! You can't just SEARCH my apartment! I don't even know what you guys are talking about!"

They searched the small studio anyway and a detective bagged the cell phone that laid on Caleb's nightstand. The detective murmured something to the officer that had led the charge.

Officers pulled Caleb to his feet and before he could protest, they twisted his arms behind his back, "Caleb Baker, you're under arrest for the kidnapping of Christopher Cerulli. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say or do can and will be held against you in the court of law. You have the right to an attorney . . ." The coldness of the cuffs made him shiver.

He knew that cell phone was bad luck.
♠ ♠ ♠
Time: 12:17AM
Hello! Late night chapter update because my sleeping patterns are off track and I already knew exactly what I wanted for this chapter so here it is! Poor Caleb... they broke the poor sleepy boy's nose.
Anyway, Immaculate Misconceptions is reaching the end of it's days. I hope you guys enjoyed it and I really hope you guys will enjoy the ending. It's been fun in a non sadistic way because it makes me just as squimish to write descriptions of torture as it makes you just by reading them.
I'm hoping to get some comments for this one :) Doesn't even have to be about this chapter, just what you think so far and what you think is going to happen.
Thank you for reading, hello to my new subscribers who are coming in kinda late but I hope are enjoying themselves (in a non sadistic way), I welcome new subscribers, comment, recommend. Thanks for everything :)