Status: I am planning to publish this, it is not commplete and I would like honest critiques, no matter how harsh, with eatch chapter I post up :3

The Golden Apple ( Book 1 )

Entry 4

The warm feel of the sun awoke me as I opened my eyes to see a brilliant blue sky. The white clouds were fluffy and lively as they float across the sea that I knew as the sky.

I sat up, the grass I sat on was damp with dew and felt great between my fingers and for a moment I felt as if nothing was wrong, finally reality hit and my eyes grew wide of the rush of events flooded in my head.

“Morning mate,”

Lyric’s familiar handsome face beamed at me, his brown eyes glowed gold in the sun’s rays. He took a whiff of the air and his face brightened as he helped me up. I made sure father’s book was safe and handed it to Lyric, next was the Apple.

I put my hand in my pocket and the Apple pulsed, it was warm and lively as ever. Lyric took out his odd back pack, it was a tad big as it hissed and popped. Gears turned as he pulled a small leaver a large enough pocket opened up and he popped the book in there then extended his hand and spoke


I took out the Apple and it began to glow once more. Lyric grinned as he took it from me and plopped it into the contraption and then it closed.

“Should be safe till we get home.”

He stated as he hosted the thing on his back and took the time to stretch. His black hair looked almost as like silk and was in a high pony tail that stopped at his shoulders. So many questions rang in my head as I stood there with this boy who claimed to be my cousin and finally I mustered the courage to speak what was on my mind.

“What’s going on? Why does that Apple glow? Who were those strangers that attacked my family, how do you know me? Who was the lad with the Ember eyes who tried to hack my bloody head off?”

Lyric blinked at the sudden outburst of questions. I wanted to know answers, I deserved to know them. Now that I’m in a place that was unfamiliar to me with a strange weirdo that dressed funny, He looked to be some kind of guy from science fiction novel of some sort as he exhaled and then rubbers his chin the same way that showed that I was pondering a thought or figuring out a way to answer a question.

“Where to begin,” he stated as I waited patiently.

“The Apple is a piece of our family history Logan. Their important to us and must be kept away from the others. The strangers that attacked you were Dimnos mercenaries. They follow his orders he is also family from your dads side of the family.”

My mind was spinning now as I tried to understand what I was hearing and the finally I replied

“History? The crazy nut case that tried to kill me is also family and he’s part of my dad’s side of the family? I don’t understand…"

Lyric grinned as he mustered a though. He looked at me and let out a tired sigh and finally said

“My father, your Uncle Yordan will explain better than I would. Follow me,"

Without a second thought Lyric lead the way to a massive cave. Two figures stood in front of it each holding a wicked looking spear that shot out a deadly looking electrical shock.
They were dressed similar to Lyric, the same goggles, the similar jumpsuit but theirs were all black. The boots and gloves that was the color of white. The only thing missing was the odd looking back pack. They gave me a once over as if I was some kind of weirdo ( They should look in the mirror) as Lyric waved at them and he trudged down the long hill.

“David, Henry, how’s the rounds?"

Lyric asked as he stopped in front of the young looking men who seemed to be in their early twenties. Their eyes were what really caught my fancy, the boy addressed David had blonde hair his eyes were indigo and Henry was a fiery red head with neon green eyes.

David and Henry grinned at Lyric; Henry spoke first his southern accent thick.

“We’ll if it isn’t Lyric the bold!”

Lyric did a dramatic bow and David laughed.

“Well same as always Lyric. Who’s the lad?” David said his voice was lightly musical.

“His names Logan. Just showing him around, is all.”

Lyric said flatly a broad smile left his lips.

Henry and David glanced at one another, Lyric looked nervous and the atmosphere suddenly changed as Henry groaned and David eyes bore on to mine and he spoke

“You didn’t….”

Lyric found the ground more interesting as the older young men eyes bore onto his small frame.

“Look I had no choice,” he paused as the men gave worried expressions as they both spoke in unison

“Did they see you?”

Lyric shook his head and they both relaxed and the atmosphere changed once again to something more lightly.

“So, you’re his cousin,” David said.

“Uncanny resemblance if you ask me’” Henry implied.

The two men grinned as Lyric laughed and patted me on the shoulder.

“This is Logan. Logan,” he spread his arms wide to the two men who grinned at me in a friendly matter.

“David and Henry Fuggleworth, They have been my mates since I was a Fawn.”

“Hey Logan!” David said as he gave me a rub on the head like he was a long lost brother. Henry slapped me on the back.

“We better get going than,” Lyric said as he opened the gray doors the men was guarding. I said my farewells and we entered a world I would have never expected.

A magnificent underground city stood before me as Gold and White buildings towered to greet me. People walked by curious at the new egg. Some floated past on flying boards; others had some type of jet pack. The city was packed with people and children as we walked down to the bustling city.

The smell of freshly baked bread, cakes, hams and other foods filled my nostrils as we stepped into the world of wonder. Lyric showed me everything, from the Game shops that had holographic players and landscapes to movie theater that could literally make you an actor in your favorite movie . Even the school seemed bazaar yet intriguing and I started to realize I was no longer in the 1786. I was somewhere more advanced, more lively as we passed a few miniature waterfalls and parks.

Lyric helped me off what he called a 435 Boardrover. I faced a small house, brilliant green healthy grass filled the lawn and a maple tree waved at me as we walked up the steps. The loud noises of the city were faint as he now introduced me to the housing department.

His house was made of bricks, four widows sat in front decorated with a bed of fancy flowers as we stopped at the front door. There was no bell or nob as I studied Lyric curious as he pulled out a pure clear card and inserted it into a small latch and the door swing open. He stormed in like a man in an old time cowboy movie and shouted.

“I’m home!”
A loud crash followed by smoke coming from a backroom welcomed us as a small lad in an old fashion pilot hat and scarf covered in soot came wobbling forward. His face was covered in oil.
He was dressed in a white jumpsuit it was decorated in unique lines that formed into a crest on his right breast. He rubbed his eyes with his sleeves leavening it messier than it was before.

“Blasted, I’m never going to get the Gorn finished," he bellowed.

He looked no older than eight but his brown eyes showed a high intelligence to them as he looked at me. His eyes went wide and he smiled, a few of his baby teeth were missing as he ran toward me like I was Santa Claus and shouted.

“It’s really you!”

I patted him on the head confused as he rubbed his face against my stomach affectionately.

“This weirdo there is Archimedes, Arch for short,”

Archimedes let go of mean looked up at me with an affection I couldn’t understand.

“What’s with all the-” said a male voice followed by a “ARCHIMEDES!”

Archimedes hid behind me as a massive muscular well-built man came storming in. He was 6’2 and his brown hair was covered in oil. He had on a jumpsuit as well but his was gold, a Crest was implanted on his right breast that was different than Archimedes. The man looked to be in his early forties. He was an attractive Hispanic man with hard brown eyes that seemed inflamed as he bellowed


“I need the parts dad they were just laying their!"

The boy boldly shouted back, he was the splitting image of the man that stood before us.

“I need to finish Gorn, so I took matters into my own hands"

The man eyes softened as he let out a tired sigh.

“You’re just like your Mother,” he said flatly.

He then looked at Lyric and a broad smile crossed his face.

“My boy!”

He grabbed Lyric in his massive arms, and hugged him then looked at me. His eyes went wide as he put his son down.

“Logan, My dad in your case Uncle Yordan”


He walked over to me his face soft as he hugged me. It was a hug I never expected, a hug that I had always longed for, I hugged him back and it felt right as we both let go of one another and looked at Lyric and said

“If your here Logan than,” his face went grim and he added.

“The Apple?”

As quick as a flash the Apple shot out of the mechanical contraption along with my Fathers Journal. My Uncle Yordan caught them effortlessly and he looked at me.

“So, it’s time…”

He stormed away and Lyric followed. Archimedes held my hand as he led the way behind his brother.

“It’s been over three-hundred years since we hid the cursed Apples and now…our children…”
He mumbled.

Lyric placed his hand on his father’s arm and it didn’t seem to help as the man opened a door to reveal a room covered in gears and unwanted finished projects, he two used a white card as it hissed open.

“Logan, it’s time you learned everything,”
My Uncle Yordan said.

“From the very beginning”
♠ ♠ ♠
Critique Away~