He's Not What He Seems


The lives what we lead are filled with lies, lies in which builds up our lives in our everyday doings. We are told stories through generations about happy endings, things that lurk in the shadows while you sleep and many more.

Our life also revolves on legends and myths, such as fairies and trolls which take their place in children’s fairy tales, tales which end happily, tales where the hero will always save the day. But what about the darker myths and legends: the ones about the vicious werewolves, heavens mighty fallen angels, the vampires that yearn the taste of blood, and many more mysterious creatures or things?

We as human thrive on these lies; these myths and these legends, creating best-selling movies, highly viewed TV programs and sellable merchandises. But while we thrive, many dismiss the possibilities of such myths and ledges being true. We are unaware of the unseen.

Life goes on, they wait on. While you presume they are inventions of the minds, stories passed through generations, they take your lack of knowledge and strike the moment they can.

Say your prays my friend, treat your love ones kindly, like every day is your last, because one night you may just take your last breath. You’ll never understand what may be lurking in the dark. It may be unlikely you ever will.

But just remember, not all monsters are apart of peoples nightmares; sometimes they’re the heroes of the story.