He's Not What He Seems

Chapter Six

When I woke up, I found myself lying in a hospital bed, conected to wires and tubs. Beside me monitors beeped endlessly and something lurked in the shadows.

I groaned and closed my eyes when I realised who it was.

"I swear your stalking me," I muttered.

"They said you needed adult supervision, so here I am," he shruged not stepping out of the shadows.

"You're twenty one, your not exsactly adult metarial in my eyes."

"Maybe not in your eyes but I am a legal adult and hey I did save your life twice," he pointed out with a smirk.

I let out a groan and closed my eyes, whishing he would go away, but his tapping foot only indacated he was still here. I opened my eyes ones more.

"It was either me or be on your own. We were unable to get in contact with you perants."

"They’re at work. They won't be back for a few days, and I'd prefer option two, but looks like that's out the window," I muttered through gritted teeth. A second later I regreted the desion to tell him I was alone in my house for a few days.

He stepped out the shadows, his head bowed slightly. He stopped beside the bed and tilted his head up once more so I was able to see his eyes and lips. He grinned darkly.

"You don't half moan, any way enough of that they said you can go home as soon as you wake up. They also said be careful with your stitching," he said with another smirk.

Just as I was about to come back with a sarcy reply, a red haired nurse with emrald green eyes entered the room, holding a blue clip board dressed in the usual nurse clothing.

Her eyes first looked at Adrian, who nodded once before sluthing back into the shadows and then her eyes found me, her ruby red lips curving into a delight smile.

"Well sleepy head, I bet your feeling refreshed and better, you lost quite a lot of blood," she chirped, her voice high pitched and giddy.

"Any way like I said to your ehm . . ." she looked towards Adrian and then back to me. "He says he's your science teacher, is that right?" She asked.

I nodded in confirmation. "And also friend," I added.

She nodded nervously before the smile resumed back on her face. "Like I said to your friend you are able to leave once you are awake and well since your awake, your aload to go, but you must be careful of your stitches, you don't want to run into this sort of trouble again," she warned as she began to remove wires and tubes from me.

I winced every so often as the tubes and wire were pulled from me carefully and the machience were switched off.

Once she was finished, she beamed, "well that's done, and you are free to go. Your shirt is in a bag on the chair and you can keep the shirt you have on its nothing but a spare tee we found." She pointed to the chair where a blue carrier bag sat, before she left.

I slid out of bed to find myself in a fresh black tee and still in my orginal clothing, well besides the tee of course.

Slipping on my shoes, Adrian disappeared out the door, only to return with a wheel chair.

I looked at him confused.

From under his shadowed face, a dark seductive smile crept upon his lips. “Doctors’ orders, you leave in a wheel chair, always been the rules for patients.”

“Screw doctors’ orders, I’m walking,” I muttered as I made my way out the door, Adrian following beind.

"So presistant you, aren't you," he laughed as he walked beside me.

I shrugged. I was always a presistant person, I never give up and I never back down from no one.
When we got to the main door, the sky outside was drowned in darkness and rain poured heavily. Great.

"How long have I been out for?" I asked turning my head to look at Adrian beside me.

He pushed up the sleeve of his coat and looked at the watch around his wrist. "Since two o'clock and it's now nine o'clock," he confirmed.

"Wow, no wonder I feel so hungry."

"I can satisfie that," he grinned. "If you want."

I shook my head. "I'll be okay, I only live a few blocks away."

"I'll drive you home if you want."

I shook my head once more. "I'm okay, its only rain."

"Are you sure? It’s pretty rough out their."

I shook my head once again. "I'll be okay, I promise."

"At least take my jaket and hat, you'll be dry and warm then," he said slipping them off and handing them to me.

"What about you?" I asked as I slipped the jaket on and placed the hat on my head, before slipping on his gloves. Everying was slightly over sized.

He shrugged, his eyes focused infront of him. "I'll be okay, like you said, its only rain," he grinned.

“Are you working again tomorrow?” I asked.

“Apparently, I am your new cover science teacher until you get a new one.”

“Wait, what? So you’re my new science teacher. What happened with my other?” I asked surprised.

“Apparently she won’t be able to return to school, she’s undergoing breast cancer treatment, that’s why she wasn’t in today,” he explained.

“What?” I cried. “She had breast cancer and she kept it from us.”

“Seemed so. Apparently none of the other teachers knew either.”

“Wow,” I sighed sadly.

I closed my eyes feeling a tear slide down my cheek. Breast cancer could be harsh at times; it’s how I lost my grandmother.

“Hey, are you okay?” Adrian asked, one hand resting on my shoulder, squeezing it softly.

I nodded. “Yeah, I think I should get going, it’s getting late.”

“Are sure you don’t want a ride home? It’s really no bother; I’m your teacher, got to make sure students are safe.”

“Adrian, trust me, I’ll be fine. I barely know you and you worry about me so much.”

“Is it wrong to worry about a friend?” he asked.

“No,” I smiled softly.

“I’ll see you tomorrow then,” Adrian confirmed as he set of towards the parking lot.

“Yeah, later,” I called, walking towards the main street.