Status: I lost inspiration, sorry. Probably won't finish:(

Here's To Getting Caught With You

It's Better Hanging On

I settled into the O'Callaghan household pretty quickly, Jenny had decorated my room in white and pastel colours which relaxed me instantly and helped with my jetlag on sleepless nights. Shane introduced me to a few of his friends - two boys called Austin and Tate and a girl called Jenna - and we'd hung out a couple of times. I really got along with Jenna and i could see us fast becoming friends with our similar music tastes and opinions.

Jenny and John had gone on holiday for a week in California, so they weren't too far away. They left early that morning so when i woke it was quieter than usual. I hopped out of bed and pulled on my outfit for the day, not bothering with makeup as i would most likely sweat it all off anyway.

"Shane?" I called as i began to make my way down the staircase. I stopped abruptly. Jenny and John had left this morning, why was there a suitcase in the hallway? Why was the door wide open?

"Shane?!" I called again, more frantic this time. He appeared in the doorway a couple of seconds later, heaving a duffel bag behind him.

He dropped the bag next to the suitcase and wiped the sweat from his forehead, "Yeah?" He asked breathlessly.

"What's this? What's going on?"

"Did no one tell you John was touring?"

My eyebrows stitched together in confusion, "But John left this morning, remember? He went to California with Jenny?"

His lips twisted into a smirk before he began laughing, "Not my dad you idiot, my brother."

As he finished his sentence, a tall, lanky figure appeared in the doorway. The first thing that struck me was how much he looked like his brothers and parents with his defined jaw and slender nose.

"Who's this?" He gestured toward me, directing his question to Shane.

He shrugged in response, shouting a quick "Ask her yourself" over his shoulder as he disappeared into the kitchen.

I rolled my eyes and finished descending the stairs, stopping in front of John. "I'm Izzy, i'm staying here for a while."

His eyes widened as his brain seemed to click, "Of course, my mom told me you'd be coming." He shook his head to himself, probably cursing himself for not remembering. "I'm John, by the way. I'm in a band so i tour a lot which is why i'm only just coming home."

"A band? Awesome. What kind of music do you guys play?"

"Uh, well, we used to play a lot of pop-punk stuff but our sound kinda matured and it's more straight up rock'n'roll, i guess."

"That's too bad." I sighed dramatically, "I only listen to pirate rock."

He paused and shot me a questioning look before finally saying "What the hell is pirate rock?"

I laughed and shook my head, "I'm joking." His face relaxed, "And you should search it up. It could be interesting for your next album."

He laughed along with me, "I'll be sure to consult the guys."

Later that night after watching a couple of films and ordering pizza, i was sat on my bed with my laptop perched on my knees. It was the first chance i had found to talk to Ava since i had moved out here a week and a half ago.

"How's things?" I grinned when she popped up on my screen, mirroring my expression.

"So much better now i can talk to you, i really miss having you here, Iz."

"I miss being there, the weather here is horrible. My skin is so burnt, i keep thinking i'm made of bacon or something."

She snorted, "How's the family you're staying with? Not too creepy?"

I shook my head, "They're great. Jenny and John went away for the week, John got home today so i'm staying with him, Shane and Ross. Overall, the O'Callaghans are pretty great."

Ava stopped and looked straight at me, "What did you just say?"

"They're pretty great?" I asked, puzzled as to why she was so serious all of a sudden.

"No, not that you moron. What's their surname?"

"O'Callaghan, why?"

"Oh my god, did you say John got back today? Got back from where?"

"He's in a band so he was on tour, why? What's going on?!"

Her breath hitched in her throat, "That's John O'Callaghan! Lead singer of The Maine!"

I shook my head in disbelief, "No fucking way. Nope. No."

"I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!" Her grin seemed to consume half of her face, "YOU HAVE TO GET HIM TO SKYPE ME, YOU HAVE TO!"

"No," I continued to shake my head, "That would be creepy. I can't let him know i know who he is or that my best friend dreams about carrying his children. No."

"I do not!" She yelled defensively, "Please! Isn't this was best friends do for each other?!"

"I don't think enough people are in this situation to judge whether this is a best friend thing." I rolled my eyes, i was beginning to get tired of her moaning.

"Whatever, Izzy. I have to go, it's pretty late."

I nodded before mumbling a half-hearted "See you later" and closing the window. I couldn't possibly be staying with the family of The Maine's lead singer, could i? Why would my parents keep it from me that they knew his family when Ava jabbered on about them all the time? How did my parents even come to know a couple half way across the world? I quickly tapped in 'John O'Callaghan' into the google search bar and hesitated before pressing enter. Just as Ava had predicted, image upon image of the man who had arrived today flooded onto my screen - some old, some brand new.

How the hell did i end up in this situation?
♠ ♠ ♠
Second chapter, kind of getting into the swing of things now. I probably won't be updating for a week or so because i have crap loads of revision and exams coming up so i should really be doing that. That being said, i'll try to write some up when i'm free.

Comments would be nice to tell me what you're thinking so far! Thanks so much to the people who subscribed already, too. I really appreciate it.


Title: The 1975 / Chocolate