Status: I lost inspiration, sorry. Probably won't finish:(

Here's To Getting Caught With You

The Whole Truth Would Break Your Heart

"So, how about it?" John turned to me, left eyebrow raised.

I shook my head, "S-Sorry, what?" This was beginning to get stupid. Ever since i found out who John really was, i couldn't concentrate when i was around him. I mean, he is a rockstar, afterall. I didn't bother to tell him i knew who he was, or that i had all his albums on the iPod currently sitting in my pocket.

"I said," He started, bending his head down slightly so he could make sure i was listening, "A few friends of mine are playing a show tonight and i was going to head down, do you wanna tag along?"

"Uh, yeah, sure." Stop acting weird, Izzy. "Anyone i'm familiar with?"

"This Century sound familiar?" I shook my head, "Didn't think so, they aren't really into pirate rock."

I laugh rumbled it's way up my throat and out of my mouth, like i was spewing some sort of choking gas - unattractively, might i add.

"I'll make sure to tell them to add a plus one to the guestlist, then. 7:00 okay for you?"

"Yeah, whatever." I smiled, turning to walk away before pausing, "Hey, John?"

He spun around to face me, his olive orbs piercing into mine, "Yeah?"

"Do you know how to get to the mall? It's just that Jenna wants me to meet her there and i've not had chance to explore the whole town yet. I know you're probably busy and only just got back so if you don't it's fine but-"

"Calm down, of course i know." He chuckled, more to himself than to me. "I'll drive ya down if you'd like?"

I nodded again, "Yeah, that'd be cool. Thanks." I slipped up to my room to retrieve my phone and purse.

"Ready to go?" John piped up when i appeared in the kitchen. He was sat at the breakfast bar, twirling his keys around his finger with a paper sprawled out in front of him.

"Sure am." I smiled, following behind him as he unlatched the front door and stepped out onto the porch.

"So," He began as he buckled himself into his truck, "What kind of music are you really into?"

I shrugged, "Anything and everything."

He pulled a box from under his seat and skimmed through the contents, "Death Cab?"

I grinned, "Narrow Stairs?"

He smirked as he pushed the CD into the slot, tapping his fingers against the steering wheel as the first song started up. I leaned forward and skipped to track 3.

He raised his eyebrow and we sat there silently, aside from the music seeping through the speakers and filling the truck like it was water and we were two fish. It was at this point that i stole a glance at him. I began to notice truly how attractive he was and all the little mannerisms like the way his lips parted slightly as he concentrated and how he absent-mindedly drummed his fingers in time to the beat. His hair had been slicked back but strands blew gently in the breeze from being disrupted by his hands running through it. He was gorgeous and he knew it; how wouldn't he know when screaming fans threw themselves at him every day?

"A'ight. We're here." He announced, snapping me from my daze as he backed into a parking space. He pushed a thin strip of paper into my hand, "My number. Call me when you want picking up, don't be too late."

I shook my head, "It's fine, i can make my own way back." Honestly, i couldn't, but i felt bad for making him run around after me.

"You sure? It's not really a big deal, Iz." My heart seemed to melt in my chest at the new nickname.

"Yeah, i saw the route on the way here." I was spinning a web of lies, now. I could always ask Jenna to give me directions. To my own house. I was so stupid.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm so sorry about the wait, i keep changing my mind about the plot but i'm pretty certain i've got it now. I'll try and be quicker next time.
Sorry that it's a filler, too. The good parts are coming soon, don't give up hope!


Title: Whole Truth / Don Broco