I don't love you like I did yesterday

Al's Diner

Skye’s P.O.V

The sun shone through the gap in my curtains and made me wake up. It was like it was telling me I had to get up. I sat up and looked around to make sure nothing had changed. I sighed because I hoped something would have happened. Nothing did. I stood up and sat at my dressing table. I stared at my reflection in the mirror, my hair was a bush so I got a bobble and tied it up, placing my head on my hands.

“Skye?” my brother yelled banging on the door

“What?” I said

“Can I come in?” I didn’t have time to reply as he walked in. “Are you okay? You seem at quiet these past week. Has anything happened that you need to tell me?” he asked me.

I looked at him he sat on my bed. Yes something did happen. Elliot Page, you know Lucy Page’s son, well he kissed me a few days ago and I really like him but he doesn’t want to see me again you see because I’m Skye Nason. Does that make any sense to you Jax? You see everyone likes you for you. Not me though. You know that don’t you Jax.

“No” I said being a bit stubborn “Nothing has happened that I need to tell you about,” I turned around.

“So something has happened but you’re not going to tell me?”

“No” I said again.

This is one thing my brother doesn’t need to know. He wouldn’t understand.

“Okay then. If you want to talk to me I live next door to your room if you forgot” he said. I gave a little laugh and he walked out.

Is it me? Or is it where I was born? I walked over to my closet and put on some black faded jeans and a red green day t-shirt, slipped on some black pumps and walked out without a second glance at my reflection. I ran down stairs as quickly as I could and passed Lucy on the way down.

“Hello Miss Skye” Lucy said, “How are you this morning?” she asked me

“Fine thanks. Lucy would you mind telling my mother I left to meet my friend Robin? I don’t really want to see her,” I said. One day my mother would find out that I don’t go to my so-called friend’s houses every day.

“Erm… yes of course.” I smiled at her grabbed my cap from the hat stand and walked towards the door. “Wait! Miss Skye, where exactly are you going?” she asked me.

“To get some breakfast” I said, "And then I’m going to the beach" to see if Elliot is there, but I’m not going to tell her that. I walked out the door, the warm air made me smile. I walked slowly along the road and pushed my way through the door into Al’s diner.

“Heya Skye” Al said to me

“Hi Al, usual please” I said sitting at my usual table.

Al was like my best friend, but he was in his 30s. He made the best waffles. I looked around; the diner had been like this ever since I could remember. Old like a 60s diner yet it felt new.

“Here you go sweetie”

“Thanks Martha” I said to her.

She gave me a soft smile and walked away. My stomach growled and I began tucking into my blueberry waffles taking an occasional sip of fresh orange juice. I looked at the clock it was only nine.

“Why are you up so early Skye?” Al asked me

“Had things on my mind lately” I said to him finishing off my breakfast.

He looked at Martha with a kind of I-know-what-she-has-on-her-mind type of look. I lent back on my chair and looked around. Everyone wasn’t looking at me, which I love about this place. Everyone knows me as Skye. Not as Skye Nason daughter of Rupert Edward Nason the richest man in Louisiana. I hate that! Just then the doorbell tinkled. I looked at the person who walked but he walked quickly to the bar.

“A cup of coffee please, with milk” He said.

Oh god! It was Elliot. I can’t see him. I stood up and walked quietly to the door. As I opened it Al said

“See you Skye”

“Danm” I whispered and ran out he door and up the stairs onto the street. To the beach