I don't love you like I did yesterday

Romeo! Romeo! Where for art thou Romeo?

Elliot’s P.O.V

She isn’t here. I knew she wouldn’t be. It’s late. Eleven thirty to be exact. The ocean crashed and I felt my heart ping every time it did.

I met Skye here. Right here. I first kissed Skye here. Right here. I told her I loved her here. Right here.

Skye? Can you hear me? Lord give me strength for what I’m about to do. I jumped up and sprinted across the beach, inhaling and exhaling taking in as much air as I could. I need her.

Here, right here. I love her! I know I do! My heartbeat raised and the wind made my hair whip my face. Ok, where is she? Where is her room? I need to get in! Jesus. There she was, in her room by the window.

Maybe if I climbed up onto the balcony…. why don’t we have a balcony? Shut up Elliot! This is not time to be thinking that. I took a deep breath and started to climb up the rose bushes. Thorns were sticking in my hands, but I don’t care. I love her… I love her… yeah Elliot keep telling yourself that.

Finally I have reached it. It was far up! I knocked on the French doors. I waved at her. She smiled and opened them. She grasped me in a hug.

“Elliot! I thought I’d never see you again!!” she was crying. I hugged her back. Her room was lovely; like her

“I love you Skye,” I said to her. Well! That’s what I came up here to tell her

“I love you too!” she said. “Elliot I didn’t know! I’m not setting you up. I really love you.” She said. Oh, she was talking about my brother.

“I know-“ I said. I kissed her. Wow. The emptiness was gone.


“Oh crap! It’s my mom!” she panicked. I hid in her bathroom.