I don't love you like I did yesterday

Someone on our beach??!!

Skye’s P.O.V

My stomach growled more. I really wanted something to eat. But I don’t want to deal with my mother when she’s drunk. I turned on the TV to see if there was anything on. I flicked through the channels.

“News, Kids program, documentary, crap, crap, and more crap.” I said.

I turned it off. At this point I was really hungry. I couldn’t take it. So, I walked down the stairs and went timidly into the kitchen.

“SKYE!” my mother yelled. I sighed and continued to walk to the fridge. “Come here my love,” she said. I walked over after getting a ready-made sandwich.

“You love me don’t you?” she slurred. I nodded and said.

“Yes mother” she pulled me into a bear hug. I pulled away and said

“Sorry mom but I have to be somewhere else. I-I’m going to meet Jenny” I lied.

I ran out and passed Lucy Page on the way out.

“Oh hello Lucy.” I said stopping “She is really drunk isn’t she” I said to her turning to look at the kitchen door and back.

“Yes miss Skye” she said to me. I sighed and looked back

“Take care of her will you. Heaven knows my father won’t,” I said to her. She agreed and I walked out.

I took a deep breath of the warm air and a smile spread across my face. I slowly walked, anywhere. But really I knew exactly where I’m going. Without realising this, everywhere life takes me, it usually ends up on our beach. Wallowing away.

Life isn’t all bad. Most of the time it good, but when you really think, and I mean THINK! Like so hard you’re brain hurts. You kind of get to things, I’m not going to say what things, but I have things to get brain ache over. I’m generally a happy girl but when my mother is like this makes me think, is it going to be like mother like daughter?!

Finally I’ve reached the beach. My place. Somewhere I could just be. All alone. But wait, who is that? ‘Oh Christ! Someone one is on our beach!”