I don't love you like I did yesterday

Who are you?

Elliot’s P.O.V

This place is amazing. It’s like all my troubles just float away. Why have I never been here before? Oh yeah, I hardly ever go out. I gazed at the ocean. I took a breath in, and exhaled. I ran my fingers through my brown hair. It was almost blond in this light. I closed my eyes and imagined a place where I could just go and stay. Then I opened them and at that moment I knew the place was here.

“Oi! You!” yelled someone. I whipped around.

A girl was walking fast towards me. She had very dark brown hair, her skin was a tanned shade, white but it was like olive skin. She was hurried down the sand her feet sinking into it.

“Who are you? And what are you doing on my beach?” she asked me standing up close to me.

I looked into her eyes. She had dark brown eyes that matched her hair. She was very beautiful

“Your beach?” I asked her.

“Yes my beach. Do you not know who I am?” she asked me.

As I looked closer at her I vaguely recognised her.

“Thank god” she said when I didn’t reply.

“Who are you?” I asked her.

“Nobody” she said sitting down on the soft sand. “Who may I ask are you?” she asked looking up at me.

“Elliot Page” I said. She smiled a little so did I. I have no clue why we were smiling. She tilted her head to the side, as if she new me. She doesn’t, I don’t know her. I don’t think. She turned her head to face the ocean. I sat next to her.

“Are you going to tell me who you are?” I asked her once again

“Nope” she said. She kept her gaze on the ocean.

I looked at her. She was so pretty. What are you thinking Elliot!! Don’t do this; don’t get close to her like you did to Susie. I loved her she left me. In pieces.

“Beautiful isn’t it” she said to me. “It’s like nothing matter’s here” she said

“Yeah, you read my mind” I replied her beginning to relax more as I found out she wasn’t going to kick me off this beach.